Iowa ranked 40th for increasing per-pupil spending from 2014 to 2019-way below the national average. To help, I've been pushing for a 5% increase in funding for our K-12 schools this year. A solid boost would help ensure smaller class sizes, competitive salaries and benefits, and more resources to cover the rising costs of equipment, materials, utilities and busing.

Unfortunately, the bill that passed the Legislature and has been signed into law by the Governor (HF 2316) won't help schools keep up with rising costs-especially after years of inadequate support-and will force many districts to make big budget cuts, and even raise property taxes.

In a recent survey by the National Education Association, more than 50% of teachers said they want to leave the profession, and fewer college students are training to enter teaching-a field that has become high-stress with dwindling rewards.

School districts across Iowa also have thousands of open positions for paraeducators, substitute teachers, bus drivers, nurses, librarians, hall monitors, custodians and more. Districts need more money to attract, hire and retain staff. I'll continue to fight on their behalf.

I hope you'll join me by giving Iowa teachers, librarians and others who work in schools the respect and support they deserve.

I agree with Raymond Beebe, a long-time Winnebago Industries executive, who recently wrote in the Mason City Globe Gazette that "our state quarter with a country schoolhouse and 'Foundation in Education' printed on the reverse side no longer tell it like it is!"


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