Minutes of the Regular Meeting

Board of Directors

Vinton-Shellsburg Community Schools

April 11, 2022

Call to Order

President Tom Burke called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room.

Roll Call / Pledge of Allegiance

Kimberly Schirm, Kathy Van Steenhuyse, Tom Burke, Jake Fish - virtual until 6:30 p.m.,

Becky Williams, Jenni Birker, Darin Humiston, Kyle Koeppen, Superintendent, and Brenda Barkdoll,

Board Secretary/Treasurer were present.

Receive Visitors/Public Comments

There were no visitors/public comments.

Administrator Reports

Matt Kingsbury shared information on state-wide testing, senior meeting, senior awards night, senior walk-through with cap and gown, graduation, spring activities, course scheduling, and crash simulation with Benton County Emergency.

Shelly Petersen shared information on activities, ISAP testing, meeting with 5th graders, and 7th & 8th grade registration.

Kyle Reeve shared information on ISAP testing, staff hiring, transition day with 4th graders, Tilford kids meeting new teachers, kindergarten field trips, remodeling projects, summer school, math curriculum adoption and planning for next year.

Tony Islas shared information on music and fine arts concerts at Tilford.

Superintendent Reports

Superintendent Koeppen shared information on sharing agreements, legislative updates, Policy Committee, Kirkwood lease agreement, staff award recognition day, board members' emails, policy series, open enrollment applications, and scheduling next board meeting for May 17th at 5:30 p.m.

Board Reports/Requests

Becky Williams and Kim Schirm shared information from attending a School Improvement meeting.

Jenni Birker shared information from attending the FFA Volunteer Auction.

Jake Fish shared information from attending the Jump Rope for Heart.

Kathy Van Steenhuyse shared information from attending the Spanish III exhibit.

General Business of the Board

Consent Items

1132. It was moved by Williams and seconded by Humiston to accept the consent items as presented. Motion carried 7/0.

1133. Public Hearing on Proposed 2022-23 Budget and Budget Amendment for the 2021-22 Budget

President Burke opened the public hearing at 6:47 p.m. There were no comments from the public. The hearing was closed at 6:48 p.m.

1135. Approve Budget for the 2022-23 Year and Budget Amendment for 2021-22 Year

It was moved by Humiston and seconded by Birker to approve the 2022-23 budget and 2021-22 budget amendment as presented. Motion carried 6/0 on a roll call vote.

1136. Receive Early Separation Application

It was moved by Schirm and seconded by Van Steenhuyse to accept the applications as presented. Motion carried 6/0.

Presentation from Vanessa West of Therapeutic Innovations

Vanessa West shared an overview of the services provided at Therapeutic Innovations.

1137. Approve 2022 Graduating Class List and Diplomas

It was moved by Birker and seconded by Williams to approve the list of Vinton-Shellsburg's 2022 graduates as presented. Motion carried 6/0.

Proclamation for Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week, May 2-6, 2022 and Iowa School Board Recognition Month (May)

President Burke signed and introduced the Teacher and Staff Proclamation. Superintendent Koeppen signed and introduced the School Board Recognition Month Proclamation.

Audience comments on any of the preceding items

There were no audience comments on any of the preceding items.

Correspondence Items/Reports

There were no correspondence items/reports.


President Burke adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m.

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Tom Burke, President Brenda Barkdoll, Secretary


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