On April 4, 2022, a meeting of the Shellsburg City Council was called to order by Mayor Speckner at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers.

Roll Call was answered by Harvey, Thorkildson, Travis, Vogt, and Reeves.

Vogt motioned to approve the consent agenda, second by Reeves. All ayes.

Superintendent Robertson reported finding 5 water leaks in the past month and a half.

Sells Street Bridge will require a storm drain to be installed. D.O.T. wants a 4' wide sidewalk and curb if parking remains. The engineer reported that the City cannot receive any additional funding from the Urbana Bridge Fund and wants to go out for bid December 2022.

The leak on College Street was discussed as was a future extension of the water main.

Brandon Finely from C.I.M.S. gave a cemetery software presentation and answered any questions.

Superintendent Robertson will meet with Alliant regarding the decision of how many streetlights are suggested in front of Wildcat, then a resolution will be brought to the council for their approval.

Superintendent McNeal has been working on coordinating the cemetery software presentations, burning ditches, and putting winter equipment away. He will work on park start-up once it warms up more. He will also be working with SACG to help install their shaded park benches and a couple of new games.

The library reports were reviewed.

February revenues were reviewed and are as follows:

General $ 17,403.87

Library $ 5,125.37

Cemetery $ 900.00

Big Day $ 50.00

RUT $ 10,573.61

Employee Benefits $ 577.29

Emergency Fund 147.48

TIF $ 2,063.21

Debt Service $ 2,670.20

2020 FEMA $ 11,458.80

Water $ 10,735.34

Sewer $ 15,786.33

Garbage $ 8,844.29

Thorkildson motioned to approve the February Treasurer's report. Harvey second. All ayes.

Harvey motioned to approve the March claims. Reeve's second. All ayes.

March claims were as follows:

AAA Pest $31.00

ACCO $677.20

Alliant $5,960.57

Amanda Rhinehart $18.33

Apprive $50.66

B&R Enterprises, annual siren maintenance $2,400.00

Baker & Taylor, library books $83.21

Benton County Solid Waste $868.42

Blank Park Zoo, library summer reading program $253.26

C&S Concrete, grave opening $250.00

City Laundry $196.32

Clarke $602.35

Consolidated Energy $305.15

Contech, Jones Street culvert $52,790.00

Demco $65.08

IRS $6,581.08

Fox Strand, water aeration project $3,656.25

GIS Benefits $77.40

Gordon Flesch $134.26

Hawkeye Fire & Safety $250.1

Homegrown Sports, Rec Dept t-shirts $1,015.35

IPERS $3,963.66

Jay Bridgewater, ½ rec field maintenance $1,200.00

Jim Hidinger, Weebly annual subscription $35.88

Johnson County Refuse $6,993.00

Keystone Labs $326.00; $140.86

Lynch Dallas $1,375.00

Municipal Supply, Sensus annual support $2,317.07

Origin Design $12,000.00

Palo Savings Bank, credit card charges $1,441.68

Quill $100.77

REC $232.99

Roy's $5.06

Schminke Excavating $6,146.81

Scott McNeal, mileage to Manchester class $63.18

Shellsburg Quick Stop $140.81

Simple Sky, set-up new computers $858.00

State Hygienic Lab $13.50

Treasurer State of Iowa $918.00

USA Communications $140.85

USPS $140.40

Vinton Newspaper $266.98

Wellmark $3,442.86

Heather Clark $365.63

Julie Kimm $2,597.00

Scott McNeal $6,540.00

Rick Robertson $7,958.91

Taylor Shipley $515.00

Barb Tracey $7,221.38

There was not any Public Forum.

The job description for a new employee was discussed. Some updates are to be made, get the job application from Thorkildson, and the clerk to publish the general summary April 15th.

EMC will bill the property/liability insurance directly to the City.

The cyber security and clerk's bond will continue to be billed through Speckner Insurance.

There was discussion on size and costs to move forward on the hoop building next to City Hall.

The introduction/appointment of a new library employee will be moved to a future date.

Harvey motioned to donate $250.00 for the 4th of July fireworks. Vogt second. All ayes.

Clean Up Day will be June 4th, 2022. All appliances, televisions, computers, and printers will be $10.00/item. Superintendent McNeal will check on landfill pricing to see if feasible to accept tires.

The auditor's report was reviewed and questions were answered.

All paid fees for debit/credit payments will increase from 2.65% to 2.95% April 28, 2022.

Vogt motioned to adjourn, second by Reeve's. All ayes.


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