1-646-931-3860 or 1-301-715-8592 or 1-312-626-6799
Webinar ID: 899 1952 8661
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve agenda
4. Consent Agenda
a. Receive & file Council meeting minutes of July 14, 2022
b. Approval of Class E liquor license for Casey's General Store
c. Approval of Class B liquor license for Cobblestone Inn & Suites
d. Approval of City invoices
5. Receive and file communications & petitions or remonstrances
6. Committee Reports
7. Citizen's Input (Council will not take any action on public comments at this meeting, but may do so at a future meeting. Please limit presentation to 3 minutes.)
8. Old Business
a. Second consideration of Ordinance 1075 - an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the city of Vinton, Iowa by amending provisions pertaining to solid waste collection fees
9. New Business
a. Approval of change order #2 from Tschiggfrie Excavating for Anderson Park Courts Project
b. Approval of pay estimate #1 for Anderson Park Courts Project
c. Approval of acceptance of Anderson Park Courts Project
d. Approval of pay estimate #2 (final retainage) for Anderson Park Courts Project
e. Approval of quote for GIS locator from Rep Com International
f. Approval of quote for brush chipper from Vermeer
g. Approval of offer for ownership of the former Duane Arnold outdoor warning siren
h. Approval of quote from Frontline Warning Systems for outdoor siren programming
i. Approval of request for extension to CDBG Homebuyer Assistance Program contract
j. Approve request from Vinton Community Foundation for disbursement of funds
k. Approve request from Evergreen Cemetery for disbursement of funds
l. Approval of special event application for Kiwanis Boomtown 5k
m. Receive & file 2022 bridge inspection report from Calhoun-Burns & Associates
n. Approval of request to Benton County Supervisors to waive taxes on parcel 24092925
o. Mayoral appointment of Jeff Mangold to Vinton Parks & Recreation Board for a term ending June 30, 2025
p. Set a date for a work session to discuss extension of West 4th Street
10. Reports
11. Good & Welfare
12. Adjournment
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