I am running for the office of the Benton County Attorney because the voters of Benton County asked me to run. The overwhelming reason provided to me was that it is time for a change. I agree. It is time to elect someone who will be transparent and respectful to the citizens of this county.

If I am elected, I have several areas that I will make priorities. We have to do more to help those who are drug and alcohol addicted. Much of the crime committed in society today arises from substance abuse and mental illness. These are two areas that will be high priorities of mine. Currently, Benton County does more than most counties, but this has to be a starting place. We have to find ways to identify these individuals sooner and maintain involvement longer. Often these individuals will cycle in their usage or mental health episodes. If we can somehow affect these cycles, we can make our county a safer place.

I would also like to see changes in the way we evaluate bond eligibility for those newly arrested. Often a magistrate will have only a criminal history on which to base their decision as to whether or not this person should be released. This can result in people being released when they shouldn't and not being released when they should.

Finally, if elected, I will do everything I can to assist the Board of Supervisors to think outside the box to find ways to save taxpayers money. As a voter in Benton County, I am tired of my property taxes continually going up. We have to find ways to provide essential services without repeatedly increasing either our valuation or tax rates.

I am 61 years old and have been practicing law for 36 years. I have a very diverse background that has placed a huge emphasis on simply helping others. I don't just represent people. I help them. I donate countless hours to helping those who simply lack the resources needed to get their needs met. In 2016, I received recognition from the Iowa Supreme Court for donating the second most attorney hours to help people in the state.

My practice isn't the only way I am dedicated to helping others. My entire life is based on this philosophy. I have been married to my wife, Trish, for 33 years. We have been foster parents since September of 1995. During this period, we have had 74 foster children, 11 of whom we have adopted. We currently have our three youngest daughters in the home.

My life hasn't always been easy. The challenges I have faced have made me stronger and more determined. As you go through life, it isn't just about the challenges you face. It's about how you respond to them. Can you come out on the other side stronger? I believe that with hard work, and a strong faith, you can accomplish anything you set out to do.


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