City of Shellsburg Council Minutes 09-20-22

On 9-20-2022 a regular meeting of the Shellsburg City Council was called to order by Mayor Speckner at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers.

Roll Call was answered by Vogt, Reeves, Harvey, Thorkildson, and Travis.

The camera change order was added to the agenda. Vogt motioned to approve the amended consent agenda. Travis second. All ayes.

Vicki Gardemann expressed her concerns of the sale of Rock Ridge to be a substance abuse center.

Nicole Crawford requested that the city make sure the city sidewalks are cleared of snow this winter so children can walk to and from school safely.

Superintendent Robertson stated he will have a meeting with a solar panel engineer 9-27-22.

Thorkildson motioned to approve additional black chain link fencing by the new Jones Street Culvert not to exceed $ 2,500.00. Reeves second. All ayes.

The investment and delinquent reports were reviewed and discussed.

The RV ordinance changes were reviewed and discussed.

Wildcat permit was moved to the next meeting as it might require a variance.

Vogt motioned to approve the 1st reading of Ordinance #471, Peddler fees. Reeves second. Harvey & Thorkildson aye. Travis nay.

Thorkildson motioned to waive the second and third readings. All ayes.

Harvey motioned to adopt Ordinance #471, second by Reeves. Vogt and Thorkildson ayes. Travis nay.

Hometown Pride update was given. Jessica Johnson to be the community coach.

Harvey motioned to approve the change order for cameras in the park and electrical not to exceed $11k. Reeves second. All ayes.

The new updated welcome signs were discussed and to be on the agenda for the 10-03-22 meeting to see if SACG will split the costs and review a sample.

Thorkildson motioned to set the public hearing on the proposed transfer of city owned real estate, Resolution #09-20-2022 for 10-03-2022. Reeves second. All ayes.

BOA new appointees were discussed. Vogt motioned to appoint the new BOA members to be: Emily Hartman, Ryan Grimm, Chase Larson, and Char Zahorik. Reeves second. All ayes.

Sidewalk concerns were reviewed and discussed. Letters to be sent to property owners to repair.

Reeves motioned to approve fireworks at Wildcat 10-15-2022. Travis second. All ayes.

Reeves motioned to adjourn, seconded by Vogt. All ayes.


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