Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call / Pledge of Allegiance

3. Receive Visitors / Public Comments

4. School Improvement Advisory Committee Data Review

5. FFA Officer Report

6. Administrator Reports

7. Superintendent Reports

8. Board Reports / Requests

9. General Business of the Board

A. Consent Items

1. Agenda & Minutes

2. Claims

3. Financials & Transfers

4. Personnel

5. Open Enrollment Requests

B. Second Reading of Miscellaneous School Board Policy

C. First Reading of Miscellaneous Board Policy Revisions

D. Pre-Purchase of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Middle School HVAC Project

E. Bank Depository for Lunch & Activity Funds FY22

F. Allowance to Prepay Reoccurring Bills

G. VSCSD Legislative Priorities

H. Proclamation for American Education Week

10. Action on Student Discipline

11. Audience comments on any of the preceding items

12. Adjournment


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