November 10, 2022

The Benton County Board of Supervisors met in special session with Supervisors Seeman, Bierschenk and Primmer present. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. at the Cedar Valley Ranch business office

The purpose of the meeting was to visit with Lorene Spencer, Cedar Valley Ranch Director along with the Board Chairman Brenda Hackbarth to discuss the business lease between Benton County and the residential care facility. Spencer explained the history of when this facility went from county ran to privatized. The county used to fund them through a block grant from the Mental Health Fund. The purpose of the agreement was so that the Cedar Valley Ranch would pay back that original loan amount, and any profit beyond that was to be paid back to the county. The most recent fiscal year was an exception with a surplus of $135,432.00 to be paid back quarterly to Benton County. The original lease was prepared in 2006, so the changes over the years led to how the current funding for the facility takes place in regards to the number of residents residing there. Resident count can change daily but the facility can house up to 48 residents. The Board also took a tour inside and outside of the facility and saw the improvements that were made in the past and some future upcoming needs. There was no action taken, but both parties agreed they were willing to negotiate a whole new lease if necessary taking affect from July 1, 2022.

Primmer moved/Bierschenk seconded: To Adjourn. Motion carried.


Tracy Seeman, Chairman

ATTEST: _________________________________

Hayley Rippel, Benton County Auditor


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