Week nine has brought a lot of debate, as expected post-funnel. One of the bills debated
and passed was SF 478. This legislation was created to prevent the State Auditor from accessing
an individual's information that would reasonably be expected to be kept private. Examples of
that private information would be medical and academic records, information not necessary for
the State Auditor to conduct an audit. It's important Iowan's know that their private information
is kept private.
Another two bills that were passed were SF 482 and SF 538. SF 482 provides clarity to
Iowa schools by requiring boys to use the boys' bathroom and girls to use the girls' bathroom in
Iowa schools. It's a simple, common-sense policy to protect Iowa girls and ensure they can attend
school and athletic competitions without fear or intimidation in the same way they did for
generations. SF 583 protects Iowa children from undergoing irreversible, experimental gender
reassignment or sex change operations and therapies. If Iowa youth are not permitted by state
law from getting a tattoo, gambling, or buying cigarettes, it is a reasonable policy to prevent
minors from being subjected to dangerous, untested, life-changing procedures. I was a yes vote
on both of these bills because our district was (by majority), I personally supported the majority
of both of these bills' content, and the Republican caucus supported these bills, including our
Governor, who ran and won on these initiatives.
On Tuesday the 7th, we also debated and passed the Governor's proposal to streamline
state government, reorganize her team in the executive branch, and work to increase efficiency
for Iowans. This legislation, SF 514, had eight hours of subcommittee and full committee review.
Iowa currently has 37 department cabinets. This bill will reduce that number to 16 cabinets and
eliminates 513 currently unfilled positions. This proposal will also bring us more in line with
other states and looks at ways we can improve services, modernize government, and bring
departments with similar objectives together.
Iowa High School Voter Registration Day is coming up on Wednesday, March 22! I am
joining Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate in encouraging every high school to participate. Joining
the festivities takes only a few voter registration forms and students prepared with their driver's
license, non-operator ID, or last four digits of their social security number. For more information
on how to register to vote in Iowa or update your voter registration visit
I encourage my constituents to contact me using my legislative email with any comments,
questions, or concerns. I look forward to another great week of representing the people of
District 42!
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