June 4, 2024

The Benton County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with Supervisors Primmer, Bierschenk and Seeman present. Supervisor Primmer called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at the Benton County Service Center. Members of the public are invited to join in during open session or watch the livestream at https://www.youtube.com/bentoncountyiowa. Summarized Resolutions will be available in the Auditor's office and at: www.bentoncountyia.gov

Bierschenk moved/Seeman seconded: To approve the agenda. All voting aye thereon. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve the minutes and to follow the recommendation from Chairman Primmer to follow the recommendations from Iowa Public Information Board (IPIB) to remove all public comments from May 28, 2024 and both sets from May 29, 2024 and also moving forward for future minutes. Also making note to remove the duplicate of approving Kimm's cigarette permit. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting yes. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Primmer seconded: To approve Class C Retail alcohol License for Kacena Family Tree Farm, Inc effective August 7, 2024 through August 6, 2025. All members voting aye. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve Fireworks permit for Iowa Pyrotechnic Association for July 20, 2024 pending signature from the fire department on the application. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye thereon. Motion carried.

Primmer moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve the Fireworks permit for Randy Nash for July 4, 2024. Motion carried.

The time of 9:15 a.m. having arrived, and this being the time and date for a land use hearing for Paul and Susan Phillips in part of the NW ¼ NW ¼ of Section 4-84-9. Phillips would like to change approximately two acres of land to allow for two single-family dwellings and a workshop. Paul Phillips was present. Matt Even presented some of the technical information. This area has a CSR of 66 and currently has hay production. The existing driveway was updated and approved a few years go so is conforming. A private sewage and well will need to be installed. Seven notices were sent out to adjacent property owners and the legal notices were also published in the official newspapers as required by the Ordinance. There were no comments heard before or during today's hearing. This proposal should not have any negative impacts on surrounding farm operations. It is isolated from other agricultural land by the county road and two stream branches. No other comments were heard, so the land use hearing was closed.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve the land use hearing for Paul and Susan Phillips in part of the NW ¼ NW ¼ of Section 4-84-9. Voting aye were Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk. Motion carried.

Robert Spangler, Russ Glime, Phil Borleski all members of the Benton County Historical Commission were present to voice their concern regarding Benton County Historical Preservation's Office Space. Spangler provided a handout from the State Historical Preservation Office of Iowa and explained the roles of the commission along with the role that the supervisors have to provide them work space. They were not informed that they would have to vacate their office inside the Service Center and were inquiring when and why this was taken place without their knowledge. The Board agreed they would look into finding them an office to vacate. Spangler stressed the importance of maintaining historic documents together in one location.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve 8 days' vacation carryover for Sue Wilber to be used by October 1, 2024. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye thereon. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve and authorize chairman to sign the 30 day burn acceptance letter for the Benton County radio system test that was approved by Mike Day, consultant for True North on the E911project. All members voting aye thereon. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To authorize the chairman to request the excess flood policy coverage quote from Assurant under Holmes Murphy. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voted aye thereon. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To Adjourn at 10:06 a.m. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye. Motion carried.


Richard Primmer, Chairman

ATTEST: _________________________________

Hayley Rippel, Benton County Auditor


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