The Benton County Supervisors called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning.

The agenda, minutes and claims were approved as well as a $6,500 ARPA claim. 

Barb Greenlee, presented for approval a farm exemption application for Karen Fountain in a part of SE ¼ SW ¼ of Section 6, T84N, R10W to build another house. It was approved. 

Approval was granted for a Class C Retail Alcohol License for Beyonder Resort at Lazy Acres LLC.

Barb Greenlee requested that five vacation days be added to her after serving for 39 years. She explained that vacation is capped at four weeks after 17 years, but pointed out that vacation time of four weeks has been granted to new hires. (This is the case for the recent hire of the HR Director, however she gets 5 weeks vacation.)

She pointed out that there are others who would also qualify for additional time off and have been here longer than 17 years and deserve more time off. She also discussed the sick time off, explaining that those that do not use their sick time, lose it when they retire, she said, "If you've earned it and not abused it, there should be some sort of conversion that is advantageous to the employee as well as the employer. I would request that you look at that as well. It's a good thing for people that have not abused it."

HR Director Sue Wilber addressed this as well. As part of the Handbook review committee, they have looked at this and it is on the discussion for their July 10 meeting. Revisions to the County Handbook will be made and approved in sections by the supervisors and then added to the Handbook.

Gary Bierschenk suggested that all the changes were made and approved at once rather than in bits and pieces. Tracy Seeman agreed with that. The plan will be to try to meet with the unions before the July 16 meeting to see if this can be accomplished. 

Melinda Schoettmer, Benton County Treasurer presented the resignation of Ann Stephens to the Supervisors effective July 5. Applications for a replacement are now being processed.

Four applications were submitted to fill the Veterans Affairs Commissioner position whose term ends June 30, 2024. The board chose Jeff Holmes and Michael Silhanek to fill the position.

Hayley Rippel, Benton County Auditor presented for discussion and action the Eide Bailley's annual arrangement for fiscal year audit and statements.

Next the Supervisors approved the following resolutions which are annual actions taken by the Board.

FY25 Departmental Appropriations

FY25 Bank Depositories

FY25 Officials' Bank Depository Amounts

Amend Service Areas 

FY25 Salary Certifications for deputies in the Auditor's, Recorder's, Treasurer's, Sheriff's and Assistant County Attorney's offices.

She also presented a quote for payroll software from Tyler Technologies for the Auditor's office.. The technology is in use in 59 counties for a Exec Time and Attendance software add-on. The cost is $15,870 with an annual licensing fee $14,505. The current system expires on June 30. 

Wilber jumped in feeling that this recommendation was under her purview. Saying that there were issues with the technology. Rippel said that the other software that Wilber had suggested wasn't compatible with her government software. 

Wilber asked the Supervisors not to approve it.

Rippel argued that she needed the program to process payroll for the county.

Wilber said that it affects all departments. Rippel pointed out that it had been approved last fall and has everything figured out for her office.

Wilber continued to argue against approval.

Rippel explained that this is the base program. She pointed out again that the different departments can add on different functions logging on in different ways.

Wilber continued to push the Board not to approve citing things like vetting the software.

Rippel, reassured the board that if they had questions she would be at a conference with the company, and she could have them contact Seeman directly (he is working with the Auditor's office on this software.) Seeman asked Wilber what other concerns she had. Wilber pointed out the WIFI at the Secondary Roads, Seeman dismissed that but said that it is an ongoing issue.

Rippel said, "It's an improvement to our current system, and that's what I'm asking for."

Wilber responded, "And if we don't vet out the concerns, it may not be an improvement and it's going to flop and you're gonna have these road guys or other employees say, 'You promised it was going to do this and it didn't.' I think it's worth getting some of these questions answered which I would have been happy to do had I known this was resurfacing today..."

Rippel talked directly to the board, explaining again that this program is for payroll a function of her office and she's asking on behalf of her office.

Supervisor Rick Primmer added, "I can see it's a payroll matter..."

Wilber interrupted, "It affects more than payroll. It's a change to staff. It's going to affect morale, it's going to affect a lot of things..." She went on to explain that she wasn't sure if it could handle changes to sick time or other changes. 

Delaying to take action is assumed to cost more taxpayer money. 

Wilber went on to explain that she will be meeting with the Sheriff's Department on Friday morning and asked if the Supervisors could also attend that,

Rippel explained that she wouldn't be able to attend on Friday. Wilber said that someone else could attend on her behalf. Then Wilber said that the representative could do a bit more due diligence, then she said the County IT department could report about what he found out..ending with, "I apologize I didn't know this was coming or I could have had these answers." Rippel responded, "I apologize I didn't know I needed your permission to put it on the agenda." 

Primmer jumped in, "If we're going to have a special meeting on Friday..." Seeman pointed out that Rippel wouldn't be able to be there. Primmer said he understood that. Rippel said that it wouldn't matter because they aren't listening to her side anyway. 

Wilber continued to push for a Friday decision, even though the topic was on Tuesday's agenda, asking, "What difference does three days make Hayley?" 

Seeman made a motion to table the purchase of the software for the Auditor's office until Friday at 10:00 a.m. when Auditor Rippel will not be in attendance. The Supervisors approved the motion.

Seeman said he'd prefer that questions and answers be over the phone rather than email with Wilber and the tech company. Rippel suggested that they could do a conference call so that she can be part of the discussion. 

Rippel also updated the Board on the DECAT/CPPC Contract which expires on July 1.

After an earlier discussion about approving all of the changes to the Benton County Handbook at one time rather than in pieces, next on the agenda was to approve a modification in Section 2.7 of the Handbook under Mileage and Expense Reimbursement. Wilber sent the Supervisors three copies, the original, the whited out version and the revisions she said. 

She made the case for the county to have a pool car, citing that the employee would only be reimbursed .21 per mile if they choose NOT to use the county car, rather than the government's mileage rate. She believes that having a county car in use for this would save the county money. This discussion can be seen here. A discussion was also held about if you drive the county car, then run to the mall while on business and get in an accident, then what would happen? Sheriff Tippett said this is why he drives his own car. It doesn't appear that provisions were made in case a car is NOT available but that is unclear from just the meeting conversation.

The Supervisors approved the changes. 

Under reports, Seeman reported that he met with the Landfill last week, Primmer met with Heartland and went over the insurance information effective July 1, Bierschenk has a meeting on Thursday. 

Citizen input:

Doug Cook asked if the meeting on Friday will be open to the public and it will. He said that he also was in Hazelton and looked at their gravel roads and thinks that our department should go and look at those roads. 

Christine Hebert also agreed with the Cook explaining that her road on 29th Ave. is in bad shape following the increased traffic from the Highway 150 detour. 

Russ Glime spoke concerning Historic Preservation and the need for office space. There was a change in its location, booting them out of the Public Health location. He said that now the cemetery information is being housed at the Horridge House, which he said it shouldn't be because it is county records, but there appears to be no solution. He requested permission to use the Supervisor's room. There would be issues doing that.

The topic will be on the agenda for Friday's meeting. 


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SG June 25, 2024, 1:50 pm OUR ELECTED AUDITOR has to fight with the HR gal to get software so that she can perform HER JOB...the money for it is in her budget!
Yet OUR ELECTED SUPERVISORS are taking the advice of HR on COMPUTER SOFTWARE over OUR ELECTED AUDITOR who has 59 OTHER COUNTIES recommending it? But we need to "vet" it? Who "vetted" HR anyway? Unbelievable!
We elected Hayley Rippel to run her office. We did NOT elect Ms. Wilber to make decisions for the AUDITOR'S OFFICE.
Wilber has NO technology training, we have and IT guy for that.
She has NO business getting involved in this decision! She has NO authority over the Auditor's office and yet...the Supervisors cater to her OVER the Auditor.
Grow a few pairs men. This is ridiculous!
HR wants a car to drive so Primmer is bending over backward to get THAT for HR as well. What is going on here? The COUNTY is now going to foot the bill for HER? NO OTHER OFFICE wants a "company car." So the COUNTY aka YOU AND I will be paying for her car. Absolutely insane!
BS June 25, 2024, 4:23 pm As usual, after viewing another Supervisor meeting today, it's very clear who runs the Benton Co. Supervisors.
The new HR Director always seems to get her way over elected offices who have worked for years at their jobs.
She got herself more paid vacation than Barb Greenlee who has worked 36 years.
It seems our Auditor wants to make her office run more smoothly but this is put on the back burner.
This woman has caused so much grief to most in the courthouse. My opinion of a Human Resource person was to keep peace with all of the personnel and keep things running smoothly.
Instead she tries to make a fool of the Auditor. I think our Auditor, Treasurer, Recorder and other offices (NOT SUPERVISORS) have been doing their jobs efficiently. The last HR caused a lot of grief also with the Weed Commissioner job to fill. My question is: Does Benton County really need an HR and all of the added expenses she demands??? And a county car??? Who else has ever made such demands?? I watch and am sick of how there is no respect for an elected official who loves her job and has always done it to the best of her ability. Are you trying to run her out of her office?????? What's up Benton County??? Every week it seems she has to fight to defend herself and her office... She deserves SOME Respect!!
RB June 26, 2024, 12:10 am Amen to both comments. Hr should stick to her duties and leave everyone else alone. Our elected auditor, recorder,treasurer seem to have been and are handling their office staff very well as well as the duties they do.
Are our supervisors afraid of Hr? I think so. They need to tell her if it's not affecting her job, butt out
AM June 26, 2024, 2:46 pm I find it interesting that the HR Director is so concerned about morale in the office. Sounds like she is an absolute nightmare to work with. Again, what is it EXACTLY we pay her to do? Besides cause problems for everybody else?

And she thinks we need to pay for her to have a vehicle? SMH... She needs to go!
DC June 26, 2024, 4:46 pm As a retired businessman of several years I find a new hire getting 4 weeks if paid vacation Ridiculous. Government even at the local level is out if control.Wow, just wow.+

Coots Materials offered 5 weeks vacation after 20 years.

Dave Coots