July 2, 2024

The Benton County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with Supervisors Primmer, Bierschenk and Seeman present. Supervisor Primmer called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at the Benton County Service Center. Members of the public are invited to join in during open session or watch the livestream at https://www.youtube.com/bentoncountyiowa. Summarized Resolutions will be available in the Auditor's office and at: www.bentoncountyia.gov

Seeman moved/ Bierschenk seconded: To approve the agenda. All members voting aye thereon. Motion carried.

Auditor Rippel asked for clarification regarding the minutes from June 24, 2024 that were approved on Friday June 28, 2024. She shared her revised version simplifying the discussions areas highlighted and explained why she felt it was important to leave some of it in there. Specifically in areas in that it was relating to tabled agenda items and how this is important for the history of how they made their decisions. This led to discussions on cost for publications and IPIB's suggestions to limiting public comments We have been summarizing our things such as resolutions for a few years now. Full version of minutes are available on the county website and in the official minute book kept in the Auditor's office. The summarized versions get published in the official newspapers.

Bierschenk moved/Seeman seconded: To set land use hearing date for Jeff and Ashley Massa for Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 9:15 a.m. for a part of the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 3-84-9. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye thereon. Motion carried.

Primmer moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve the minutes of June 28, 2024. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye thereon. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve utility permit for East Buchanan Telephone in the northeast corner of Polk Township. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye thereon. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve Resolution #24-68, Temporary Construction Closure from near the SW corner of Section 32-84-11, thence north 1.5 miles to the NW corner of the SW 14/ of Section 29-84-11 along 17th Avenue in Big Grove Township effective July 8, 2024 through the completion of the project. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve and authorize signatures to be notarized on the Quit Claim Deeds for Maxine Sauer Revocable Trust and Aaron Boddicker in Harrison Township. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye thereon. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve and authorize signatures on purchase agreements for permanent & temporary easements for bridge project on 28th Ave with James D. Fix in the amount of $1,750.00 All members voting aye. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve and authorize signatures on purchase agreements for permanent & temporary easements for bridge project on 28th Ave with Lance and Marcia Radeke in the amount of $2,130.00 All members voting aye. Motion carried.

Sue Wilber, HR Director presented the changes made to the Sheriff's Union Contract. A few areas of change included the wage schedule, funeral leave, comp hours will no longer be required to use before vacation time along with longevity changes, training hour pay and normal work days.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve and authorize chairman's signature on the Sheriff's Union Contract effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2027. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye thereon. Motion carried.

Primmer moved to leave the minutes as he requested for Tuesday June 24, 2024 removing all discussion areas. Motion failed due to lack of second.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve the revised minutes from Tuesday, June 24, 2024 with minimizing the discussion in those few discussed areas. Primmer voted nay, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To Adjourn at 9:48 a.m. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye. Motion carried.


Richard Primmer, Chairman

ATTEST: _________________________________

Hayley Rippel, Benton County Auditor

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