July 16, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.

Benton County Service Center Conference Room

811 D Ave. Vinton, IA

** Agenda is not printed in any particular order; only time specific items will be addressed at certain times

1. 9:00 A.M. Call to Order

2. Approve Agenda

3. Approve minutes

4. Gina Edler, Deputy of Elections Re: Acknowledge Gary Benson's resignation for Auditor's office Election Temporary staff

-Discuss/Approve election temporary staff and maintenance department

5. Melinda Schoettmer RE: Approve Treasurer's Semi Annual Report

-Discuss approve hiring full-time clerk in the Treasurer's Office

6. Approve Recorder Quarterly Report

7. Approve Sheriff's Quarterly Report

8. Discuss/Approve Application for Use of Courthouse Grounds on 8/24/24 by Vinton Kiwanis Club

9. Appoint member to Vinton Library Board

10. Approve VA/GA Quarterly Report

11. Appoint Danial Donley as Dean Vrba's replacement on the EMS Advisory council for Mt. Auburn's representation

12. Engineer RE: Approve/Sign Purchase Agreement for temporary easement for bridge project on 28th Ave.

13. Reports - committee meetings, liaison, Etc.

14. New/Old Business/Public Interest Comments (limited to 3 minutes each)

15. Adjourn

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Warranty Deed Land Transfers 7/12/24

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Warranty Deed Land Transfers 7/11/24


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dT July 16, 2024, 11:25 am Another day of Questions, that should have been worked out or checked on, before the HR director hired new employees and gave them more vacation than employees who have worked for the County 17 years or more!! Her handbook changes are sure costing everyone headaches and the county MORE MONEY again!! I personally think Barb Greenlee should have been granted her time today-she waited according to the agreement time. Again, the HR is running the Supervisors and their way thinking-or not thinking-on elected offices and their dedication to past good work (staying in their budgets)for our County!!