July 9, 2024

The Benton County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with Supervisors Primmer, Bierschenk and Seeman present. Supervisor Primmer called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at the Benton County Service Center. Members of the public are invited to join in during open session or watch the livestream at https://www.youtube.com/bentoncountyiowa. Summarized Resolutions will be available in the Auditor's office and at: www.bentoncountyia.gov

Seeman moved/ Bierschenk seconded: To approve the agenda. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve the minutes of July 2, 2024. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve Payroll checks numbered 143331 through 143338, ACH Deposits 57533 through 57695, vendor checks 250457 through 250462 and claims numbered 250463 through 250592. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye thereon. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve ARPA Claims for True North Consulting Group, LLC in the amount of $5,904.00, Atkins Lumber Company in the amount of $962.53, Hendryx Electric in the amount of $3,859.80, and Tracy Seeman in the amount of $1,862.28. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk all voted aye. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To table to approve Recorder's Quarterly Report to next meeting. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve Auditor's Quarterly Report. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve Class E Retail Alcohol License for Beyonder Getaway at Lazy Acres. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye. Motion carried.

Bierschenk moved/Seeman seconded: To approve Fireworks Permit for Iowa Pyrotechnic Association on July 20, 2024. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye. Motion carried.

Sue Wilber, HR Director, requested her Credit Card limit be increased to $5,000/month due to her new HRIS program. The program is $3,200/month and is to be charged to the credit card monthly. Wilber stated that the only option they had was to be paid via credit card. Gina Edler, Deputy Auditor, questioned why they could not be set up as a vendor, if they were going to be a monthly payment it should be set up as a Vendor to pay them directly. The Auditing firm looks at the credit card bills very closely. Wilber stated there isn't an issue with her monthly billing of the background check vendor. Edler stated if there is vendors we pay monthly they should be set up as a vendor and not paid through a credit card.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve temporary increase of the Human Resources credit card to $6,000/month until September 2024. After that the HRIS Program and the Background check vendor need to be set up as a vendor and not paid through the credit card. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye. Motion carried. Supervisor Seeman reported on Conservation Board meeting. Conservation is working on the REAP grants, and the wildcat shower house.

Ron Tippett reported that the radios have been installed and are working well. They are working better than described.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To Adjourn at 9:48 a.m. Primmer, Seeman and Bierschenk voting aye. Motion carried.


Richard Primmer, Chairman

ATTEST: _________________________________

Gina Edler, Benton County Deputy Auditor


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