A regular meeting of the City Council of Vinton, Iowa was held on the 11th day of July 2024 in the City Hall Council Chambers, Vinton, Iowa. Mayor Maynard presided and the roll being called the following members were present: Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood.

Motion by Stark-Mahood, seconded by Parmater to approve the agenda as presented. Question: Ayes - all. Motion carried.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Stark-Mahood to approve the consent agenda as presented. Question: Ayes - all. Motion carried. Items on the consent agenda include receive & file Council meeting minutes of June 27, 2024, approval of class C retail alcohol license for Berry's Lanes and approval of City invoices.

Communications, Petitions or Remonstrances - None

Committee Reports
A work session was held prior to the Council meeting to discuss future plans for the Rec Department. No action was taken.

Citizens Input
Amy Stourac spoke in support of the proposed pocket park that may be located at 106 E 4th Street.

Old Business - None

New Business
Motion by Stark-Mahood, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve a resolution approving parcel A plat of survey part of lot 6 block 10 Fremont now Vinton, Benton County, Iowa addition to the City of Vinton, Iowa. Question: Ayes - Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

Motion by Recker, seconded by Elwick to approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute such documents as necessary to resign as trustee of the Virginia Gay Trust, to request that the court accept such resignation, and to approve the amendment to the Virginia Gay will as requested in the application of the Virginia Gay Hospital, Inc. Question: Ayes - Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried.

City Attorney Doug Herman joined via Zoom to discuss the proposed third amendment to the lease between the City and US Cellular for space on the water tower. Just prior to the meeting, Herman had received revisions that were not in line with prior wishes of the City.

Motion by Elwick, seconded by Recker to approve a resolution approving third amendment to tower and ground space lease between City of Vinton, Iowa, Landlord, and USCOC of Greater Iowa, LLC, Tenant. Question: Ayes - None; Nays - Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion failed. Attorney Herman will continue to work with US Cellular.

Motion by Stark-Mahood, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve an HVAC quote from All Temp Refrigeration for the WWTP. Question: Ayes - Elwick, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood; Abstain - Hessenius. Motion carried. The quote for the unit is $12,075.00.

Motion by Parmater, seconded by Pflughaupt to approve a special events application for 2024 VS Homecoming Parade. Unanimously approved.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Parmater to approve a special events application for National Night Out. Unanimously approved.

Motion by Recker, seconded Parmater to approve a special events application for Vinton Cruise. Unanimously approved.

Motion by Stark-Mahood, seconded by Elwick to approve a special events application for Pink Heals Motorcycle Ride. Unanimously approved.

Motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Recker to approve the appointment of Paul Seaton to the unexpired term to the Airport Commission ending December 2026.

Motion by Parmater, seconded Hessenius to enter closed session pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(c) to discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation. Question: Ayes - Elwick, Hessenius, Parmater, Pflughaupt, Recker, Stark-Mahood. Motion carried. Time: 7:30pm

Motion by Parmater, seconded by Hessenius to exit closed session and return to open session pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(3). Time: 7:45pm

With no other business before the Council, motion by Pflughaupt, seconded by Recker to adjourn. Unanimously approved. Time: 7:46pm.

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