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The meeting began with a discussion about the new agenda item, #13 Unfinished Business. Gina Edler, Deputy Auditor explained that it was a suggested addition via a meeting that Auditor Hayley Rippel had attended with ISAC last week. The Board approved the agenda, minutes and claims.

Barb Fetzer (formerly Greenlee) requested a land use hearing for David Kearney, fora part of the SW ¼, of the SW1/4, Sec 17, T85N, R10W. Fetzer also requested the withdrawal of an application from Zeb Reardon made onMarch 5, 2024. Both were granted. 

Rick Wood requested the approval of hiring Carrie Boddicker as custodian at the Service Center with a maximum of 10 hours between Benton County Service Center and DHS. $20.08 will be the hourly rate of pay.  

Approval was granted pending a dram shot review for a Special Class C Retail Alcohol License for the Blairstown Sauerkraut Days Beer Tent. The delay is caused by waiting for the state to review the application.

The Sheriff's Department sought approval of a full-time dispatcher, Crystal Northup at an hourly rate of $21.92

Approval was granted for a Fireworks Permit for Charles Yedlik on September 1, 2024 beginning at 8:30 p.m.

Under Reports/Committee Meetings/Lliaison, Etc. Tracy Seeman reported on the Landfill that they will wait until next spring to build a new lagoon and they are not receiving any more fill dirt from Cedar Rapids as other landfills are now interested in receiving it.

Rick Primmer reported that he had a Heartland meeting via Zoom but was unable to attend. The topic dealt with IT.

Seeman reported that the other part of the driveway was poured on Saturday. 

Seeman also reported on the cemetery care with soldier reimbursement from last week's meeting. He's done some research $3,000 has been budgeted for the care of the Veterans in Benton County. $2,230 was paid out last year.

Monroe County pays $3 per grave, Washington, Page, Pottawatomie counties pay nothing and Crawford county pays $2.50. He was surprised to find that several counties do nothing. Some have grants that can be applied for. 

Gina Edler said that it was stated that Union Township pays money toward the care of the graves. If it is levied money they cannot received county money.

On January 5, 2022 a resolution passed by the Supervisors states that the "Cemetery owned by or the responsibility of another taxpaying body, such as a city or township, or if the cemetery has perpetual care, does not qualify for county funds."

Seeman says that Iowa Code says something totally different. Dean Jensen does the Union Township budget, and Edler said that she could talk to him to see if money is levied for the cemetery. Seeman believes that five of the seven cemeteries received money for care but maybe they shouldn't be because they have perpetual care. He will check into it after harvest when he has more time. 

The meeting was in recess until 10:30 a.m. where there was a closed session with Julia Biery, HR assistant pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i)

-To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual's reputation and that individual requests a closed session. is the employee and she is requesting a closed session.


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