The city council met on Thursday evening. The council was called to order and roll call was taken with Ron Hessenius, Tami Stark-Mahood, Wesley Recker, Zach Parmater, Andrew Elwick and Rylie Pflughaupt was present remotely.
The agenda was approved with the removal of item "8.r. Acceptance of West 1st Street Reconstruction project with Rathje Construction."
The consent agenda was approved.
Council meeting minutes of August 22, 2024, and the Airport meeting minutes of August 21, 2024, were approved and filed.
City invoices were approved, and communications and petitions or remonstrances were filed.
Under Committee Reports, Stark-Mahood reported under Business Type Activities in reference to the proposal for Scott Hansen concerning the purchase of land behind the old Wilson repair shop and Martin Eye Clinic. The committee recommended that the city move forward with the sale of the land. This will be placed on the next agenda.
Citizen's input can be found on the Opinion Page, or by clicking this link
Under Old Business the council approved a quote from Tomlinson Cannon for gutter replacement on the City Hall building of $6,183.50. Part of the gutter was pulled off due to the heavy snow last year.
A new set of Iowa laws were put into affect which requires the City of Vinton to update its own ordinances. These updates can be seen by CLICKING here.
The city also approved a tax abatement of the City portion of taxes for Edwards Plumbing Heating & Air Conditioning (80% on improvements as part of a three year agreement, this is the third year.)
Two properties owned by the City of Vinton needed a resolution approving a request for abatement of accrued property taxes and exemption from taxation from date of City acquisition forward: Parcel ID: 24052650 located at 305 5th St. E. and Parcel ID: 24092925 at 512 6th St. W. in Vinton. City Administrator, Chris Ward will present this to the Benton County Supervisors for approval.
The city also approved a resolution to declare certain City property as surplus property, this would be a 1996 Ford F700 owned by the Street Department.
Approval was given for the following resolutions:
-to approve a cost share proposal with Abdo Financial Solutions.
This will assist with bank reconciliation with the City, City General and Electric bank accounts in preparation for City auditing. The auditing firm is currently working on FY2022. On Tuesday night, the Electric Utility Board signed an agreement to cost share the project which is estimated to be $45,000 to be completed by the end of the year. The City will meet with Abdo on Monday to begin work. The cost will be split between the City, Vinton Municipal Electric Utillities and iVinton.
- approving issuance and use of credit cards for official purchases. This is a formality which will give the bank clarification to issue cards at the request of the City Clerk. Limits and procedures will remain the same.
-to allow permission for the sale of certain real property by Vinton Braille School LLC (corrective, Lot #34)
Pay estimate #7 to Woodruff Construction for the Waste Water Treatement Plant improvements was approved in the amount of $794, 422.30.
Approval was given for a change order to Rathje Construction for West 1st Street Reconstruction as well as approval of pay estimate #8 to Rathje Construction for West 1st Street Reconstruction. The final acceptance of West 1st Street Reconstruction project with Rathje Construction (This is the "Item 8.r." was tabled until repairs are completed.)
Approval of quote from Schminke Excavating for Marvin Lindsey water project. This will remove the septic system and connect the field to the city water and sewer. A materials quote from Dakoda Supply Group for the project was also approved.
A special event application for Nathan's Miles Glow Run was granted for October 12, 2024.
City Administrator Ward, reported
-he will be attending meetings in Pittsburgh over the next week
-insurance rates for the city insurance (not health insurance) will be going down as well as Workman's Comp
-the next agenda will include an ordinance for traffic control for J Ave. and 9th St.
Craig Walker, Water Department
-reported that the City needs to add more antennas to the water towers
-the actuator for the returns at the plant was set up but it is assumed that the wrong ones were sent, so a call is in to the company
-Ward said it appears that the low water pressure issue seems to only happen when the golf course sprinklers are in use as well as the sediment that is happening. Nate Kass of Fehr Graham suggested that he could look at the issue.
Melissa Schwan
Fall Clean Up information will go out with the utility bills.
The Mayor reminded residents that property taxes are due.
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