On Wednesday, October 2, the Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) will partner with Women of Action, the Cedar Falls-Waterloo Branch of the American Association of University Women and PanthersVote to host a debate between Iowa Senate District 38 candidates Eric Giddens (D, Incumbent) and Dave Sires (R) The debate will be held in the Council Chambers at Cedar Falls City Hall and will be broadcast live on Cedar Falls Channel 15 starting at 6:00 p.m. Replay of the debate will be available on the Cedar Falls Ch. 15 YouTube channel 1 week later.

The public may post questions in advance of the debate by submitting them on a Google Survey found at bit.ly/sd38debate or by email to cedarvalleydebates@gmail.com Questions may also be submitted by text or voice mail to 319-435-8447. Deadline for submission of questions will be 8 pm on Monday, September 30.

Moderators for the debate will be Christopher Larimer, Professor of Political Science at UNI and Jayme Renfro, Associate Professor of Political Science at UNI. Each candidate will be given 2 minutes for opening remarks and 1 minute for closing remarks. During the debate, candidates will have 1 minute for an initial response and 30 seconds for rebuttals.

The goal of NISG, Women of Action, CF-W AAUW, and PanthersVote in sponsoring the debate is to help voters make wise electoral decisions by getting candidates' positions on issues made public and observe their character, communication skills, ability to think on their feet and knowledge of public affairs issues. Post-debate research reveals public debates influence voters' choices, especially for undecided voters.

Where: Cedar Falls City Hall, 220 Clay St, Cedar Falls, IA 50613

When: Wednesday, October 2; 6:00 p.m. (Central Daylight Savings Time)

Who: Iowa Senate District 38 candidates Eric Giddens (D, Incumbent) and Dave Sires (R) have been invited to attend and participate in the debate.

Debate Moderators: Christopher Larimer, Professor of Political Science at UNI and Jayme Renfro, Associate Professor of Political Science at UNI.

Additional information:

1) The entire debate will be broadcast live on Cedar Falls Community Television Cable Channel 15 and made available on the Cedar Falls Ch15 YouTube Channel the following week.,

2) The public has had an opportunity to suggest candidate questions.


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