At Tuesday night's city council meeting present were: Ron Hessenius, Rylie Pflughaupt, Tami Stark-Mahood, Wesley Recker, and Andrew Elwick and Mayor Bud Maynard, absent was Zach Parmater.

The meeting was called to order and followed by the pledge of allegiance.

The agenda, consent agenda was approved after the removal of item "d. under New Business, Acceptance of West 1st Street Reconstruction project with Rathje Construction." The council received and filed the following minutes:

Council meeting minutes of September 12, 2024

Library meeting minutes of August 14, 2024

Airport meeting minutes of September 18, 2024

Parks & Recreation meeting minutes of July 11 & August 8, 2024

Approval was granted for a special class C retail alcohol license for Lucky Wife Wine Slushies, a class E retail alcohol license for Vinton Liquor Tobacco & Vape and a class C retail alcohol license for Tequilero.

City invoices were also approved as well as receiving and fililing communications and petitions or remonstrances.

Committee Reports

Pflughaupt reported that the Yundt Trust Board met last week. She reported that scholarship applications will be out in December and once those are awarded applications for community projects will be accepted in March of 2025.

Citizen's Input

Stark-Mahood spoke as a citizen addressing the council concerning animals in the city. She said that the Vinton Police Department had informed the public that they will no longer have a place to detain animals while waiting for owners to be located. They suggested that if you call to report an animal to be prepared to keep the animal unit its owner can be found due to construction at the Water Treatment Plant. She believes that there should be a better plan and that wasn't the way to handle and should have an animal control plan and come up with an alternative plan.

The Mayor clarfied with the City Administrator, Chris Ward that the city had an animal control ordinance as a council so how can the police department override it. It was the first Ward had heard about it. Maynard suggested that before changing the policy that they first talk to the council.

Pflughaupt also addressed the council concerning the city ordinance for dogs where they must be on a leash, tie out or in a fence. She said that residents are not doing that and she was almost bitten on Wednesday morning. Stark commented that complaints should be called in immediately.

Under Old Business the following ordinances were given a second consideration. A recap of these ordinances can be seen here. The ordinances addressed were Ordinances 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1107.

Under New Business a first consideration of Ordinance 1108 - an ordinance adding new subsections regarding stop signs was on the agenda. This can be seen at the above link with the other ordinance information.

Approval was given for the resolution authorizing real estate closing related to property located at 110 4th Street East, Vinton, Iowa was given. the purchase price is $15,000.

Approval was given to proceed for Fehr Graham to complete survey for Budd's Lift Station project.

A request for sewer forgiveness at the Jeff Holmes residence for 611 W 12th Street. was denied.

A request for water and sewer refund for 1209 E 4th Street from August of 2023. In this case the meter was set for 10 times the normal rate and the city moved to reimburse the property owner for the overcharge. The city has broken down all of the past bills since the owner bought the property and figured the amount due for reimbursement was approved.

The city is considering changing parking in part of the city lot which led the City Administrator to look at the parking ordinance. The ordinance needs to be updated before the city can do anything. The council discussed the proposed ordinance and tabled it for more discussion.

A committee meeting was set for November 25, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss wages for FY26, before the 7:00 p.m. council meeting.


Ward returned from the ICMA Annual Conference, and also advised that the council would need a Work Session to discuss a grant from ECICOG in the amount of $896,477 for the next road construction project.

Craig Walker said that the Wastewater Plant will be getting ready to haul sludge out in the next few weeks. He reported that five of the seven manhole locations in Anderson Creek will be poured on Friday. He discussed the second section and the work that needs to be done in preparation. He advised that the city will begin flushing hydrants next week.

Melissa Schwan reported that the vacancies for boards will be published, tags are available for sale at City Hall for the fall clean up. Gutter work has been almost completed on the building.

Annual Reviews for Chris Ward and Melissa Schwan will be scheduled.

Hessenius suggested holding a meeting to discuss the animal control issues. A Work Session to discuss the topic will be held on November 10 at 6:30 p.m.

The Mayor reminded residents that harvest has begun and reminded residents to be aware of farmers on the roads.

The council then entered into a Closed Session as permitted by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(j): to discuss the purchase or sale of particular real estate only where premature disclosure could be reasonably expected to increase the price the governmental body would have to pay for that property or reduce the price the governmental body would receive for that property.

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