The Benton County Board of Supervisors met in their regular meeting on Tuesday. Present were Tracy Seeman, and Gary Bierschenk in person and Rick Primmer via telephone.

Following the call to order and pledge of allegiance, the agenda and minutes were approved with a minor correction.

Approval was given for a Special Class C Retail Alcohol License for Kacena Family Tree Farm, Inc. for 14 days from October 18-31, 2024.

Barb Fetzer then set a land use hearing for Ben Twedt, for part of the SE 1⁄4 of the NE 1⁄4, of Sect. 30, T85 N, R9W.

Approval was also given for a Class C Retail Alcohol License for Traveling Tapster LLC for November 8-12, 2024.

Engineer Myron Parizek sought approval for the Iowa Department Of Transportation Preconstruction Agreement for Primary Road Project - IA Hwy 8 (V37 to US Hwy 218). Approval was granted.

Parizek also presented for approval and signature a plan set for Project BROS-C006(129)--8J-06 (RCB Culvert Replacement-Twin Box on 52nd St in Polk Twp), approval was given. He also presented for approval of two IDOT Federal-Aid Agreements for two bridge replacements on 16th Ave in Cedar Twp and one on 52nd St in Polk Twp.

Shelby Williams and Eric Schares discussed the Benton County Weed Commissioner's Annual Report. Schares reported that about 85% or the roads had been covered so far this year with thistles being the weed most noticed. The county is now clearing trees and intersection. $41,000 was spent on chemicals to cover broadleaf weeds and trees. The board gave approval and also signed the Weed Commissioners Certificate for the State of Iowa.

Williams also gave an update on the seven bids received for the Tree Canopy Grant for the Atkins Roundhouse Area for vegetation and tree clearing. ECICOG recommended Bill Miller and Sons Logging's bid for $234,973.45 pending a Section 3 form for ECICOG. Following discussion, approval was given for the bid recommendation. The county and state forester will work with the contractor as the go to decide which trees will be cleared. The project is to be completed by March of 2025.

The board also discussed the tabled American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) projects from the last meeting.

-$5,000 for a camera on the tower at the Sheriff's Office, Tracy Seeman removed that from the list as someone else removed it and he feels they should pay to have it replaced.

-$64,000 for a patrol truck for Benton County Conservation.

-$1,200 for steam pipe insulation in the IT department because the office gets so hot.

-$37,500 security panic button in the courthouse and service center, this will upgrade the panel

-panic button for Secondary Roads, needs a bid, Hayley Rippel Benton County Auditor said that there are funds in

-$35,000 for a rescue boat for Sheriff's Department, a jet boat

-$23,000 to finish the driveway at the Transportation Building

-$86,050 for battery backup and installation at the Sheriff's Office to cover dispatch if there is a power loss

Roughly the total is $4,952,239.07 leaving $29,000 uncommitted of the $4.981M.

The remaining courtroom updates, Rippel said she hadn't heard back from Benton County Attorney, Ray Lough. He was going to check to see if the upgrades could be done because the courthouse is a historical building.

Rippel said that there is still a little in the Capital Projects fund for the Service Center and Transportation building.

At 9:30 a.m. the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Amendment Public Hearing was opened. Rippel explained that funds were moved around from the nonprogram area in Public Health that used to be allocated to Virginia Gay Hospital, so it's now coming out of Service Area 3, and there were also grant money that came in so that was offset by the revenues.

Williams said that there was $54,000 received from insurance for the skidloader and that will go into the Conservation budget.

Rippel continued that the intergovernmental budgets like the $350,000 loan for Fremont Township is offset. She also adjusted the spending authority for ARPA. More money is also coming in for the Opiod settlement so she adjusted the spending authority for that project. She also needed to increase the juvenile detention budget as well as legal fees for attorneys and supervisors as those have increased. Salaries were adjusted with the VA and General Assistance needing insurance. Barb Fetzer also needed more in the budget for well testing in the Land Use Department.

With no public comment the hearing was closed. Resolution 2498 was approved with those amendments.

Resolution 2499 was approved for the county to enter into a loan agreement between Benton County and Fremont Township, not to exceed $350,000 to repair their facility under FEMA standards paid back to the county with the reimbursement from FEMA.

At 9:45 a.m. Samantha Berglin, Quality Assurance and Evidence Based Practices for the East Central Region of Iowa, discussed Benton County's lack of compliance with MOU Exhibit B. Currently, Benton County is not showing compliance in the patient advocacy work so she explained what she is looking for. She had sent out a list to do a Quality Assurance Audit requesting a list of clients that had been served, and she didn't receive that. However, she can see when running a report who has been appointed by what county. She can then reach out to the CSN administrator. She said that the board had agreed to comply with the Mental Health Patient Advocate Documentation process for years 2023, 2024 and 2025 and at this point there hasn't been compliance. HHS report is due in December. There is no data entered for the county. Seeman proposed having this dealt with by November 15, 2024.

Approval was given for the quarterly reports for Veteran's Affairs and General Assistance for $4,500 for funerals and $300 for utilities assistance.

The date for Vinton Unlimited's Application to use Courthouse Grounds was amended to Thursday, November 21, 2024, for the Holiday Parade.

Reports, committee meetings, liaison, etc.

Seeman reported that he met with Conservation.

Department Head reviews will be next Wednesday, October 23, 2024.

Saturday the Boys Scouts will be doing their canvassing for food donations and will be using the supervisor's room to store the food until Monday evening.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Ashley Hinson will be visiting with Hayley Rippel.

Seeman will also follow up on the proposed bench placement.

The meeting was adjourned.


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