Launch Meeting - Zoom
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call / Pledge of Allegiance
3. Receive Visitors / Public Comments4. Difference Maker Presentation
5. District Academic Measures Presentation6. Administrator Reports
7. Superintendent Report
8. Board Report / Requests
9. General Business of the Board
1. Consent Items
a. Agenda and Minutes b. Financials and Claims c. Contracts and Quotes d. Personnel
e. Disposals f. Fundraiser g. Open Enrollment 2. Policy Updates - 1st Reading 3. ELL Excess Costs/Maximum Allowable Request 4. Tiny Vikes Change Order 5. Middle School HVAC Project Change Order 6. Early Separation Submission Dates
10. Audience comments on any of the preceding items
11. AdjournmentV-SCSD EQUITY STATEMENTThe Vinton-Shellsburg Community School District provides equal educational and employment opportunities and will not illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, religion, creed, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Vinton-Shellsburg Community School District shall take affirmative action in recruitment, appointment, assignment and advancement of women and men, minorities and disabled. Inquiries regarding compliance with equal educational or employment opportunities and/or affirmative action shall be directed to Becky Lutgen, Equity Coordinator, Vinton-Shellsburg CSD, 1502 C Avenue, Vinton, Iowa 52349 or Inquiries may also be directed in writing to the Director of the Region VII Office of the United States Equal Employment Opportunities Commission, or the Director of the Region VII Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Education in Chicago, IL.
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