The Board of Supervisors meeting began promptly at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Election Day. .All supervisors were present including Rick Primmer, Tracy Seeman and Gary Bierschenk.

The meeting can be seen at this link:

The meeting began with the pledge of allegiance followed by approval of the agenda and minutes.

The Benton County Attorney's office have reviewed the situation with the game breeders license for Jalen Schmueker, he is in compliance with Iowa law and all is in order for the fox operation.

Approval for a Class C Retail Alcohol License for Walnut Ridge Venue was given.

Rumble strips in Van Horne at the Hwy 30 intersection was discussed. There has been a noise complaint concerning a rumble strip panel that had been installed due to a fatality at that intersection about four years ago. It had been decided earlier by the supervisors to install it by 2/3 of the supervisors, with Seeman opposing it.

Myron Parizek, Benton County Engineer said that there had been several accidents at the intersection while it intersected with a just a two lane highway, now it is a four lane. A discussion was held concerning the project and how far rumble strips are located from the intersection and stop signs. Possible contributing factors in the accidents could have been painting that had faded on the road. Suggestions made were to add flashing lights. Now that Hwy 30 was updated, the landscape has changed improving sight at the corner.

REC is getting a quote for the county to add another light at the intersection. At the time of the last fatality, legislation did not go through requiring rumble strips at all intersections but the law required only that the IDOT do a study.

Primmer asked if flashing amber lights could be added to the stop ahead, Parizek said that it could. Parizek also said that a suggestion to the IDOT to add a sign notifying traffic on Hwy 30 of approaching cross-traffic ahead. Seeman would like to have amber lights added to the intersection having them hard-wired at the same time the new destination lighting (aka street lights) are added.

Seeman asked if there have been accidents at the intersection since the four-lane was constructed, and Sheriff Tippett remembered one but will check see if there were others. Parizek said that the IDOT study indicated that from 2014-2023 there had been 38 accidents at the intersection with five being serious.These occured when the traffic crossed two lanes of traffic as opposed to the four lanes that it crosses now. Primmer pointed out another consideration is that the traffic at the intersection is now traveling at a higher speed from 55 mph to 65 mph.

The supervisors hesitate to remove the rumble strips until they can discover what other changes can be made at the intersection. Parizek believes that the IDOT would allow lights on the signs. The supervisors would like him to request warning signs on Hwy 30 concerning the approaching intersection and see if another destination light can be added so both north and south bound traffic would have more warning of the approaching intersection.

Parizek will get a decision from the IDOT before anything is done with the rumble strips. He will see if there are amber lights in the shop that can be installed this week, and will follow through on the destination lighting with the REC as well as stop ahead signs that can be installed he thinks this week.

The supervisors shared reports concerning meetings that they had attended this week. Seeman met with a contractor concerning a tile problem for conservation that will be corrected at no charge. He also met with Eastern Iowa Trust fund and ECICOG which met in the Supervisor's room. Seeman said they went to look at one of the houses built by inmates that measure 24' X 50', it is finished except for appliances. The houses are set on a foundation. There are three completed with two more arriving.

Bierschenck had nothing to report. Primmer received a letter from the Iowa Department of Corrections concerning the jail inspection, he said it passed with flying colors.

There was no unfinished business nor public comments so the meeting was adjourned.

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