December 10, 2024

The Benton County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with Supervisors Primmer, Bierschenk and Seeman present. Supervisor Primmer called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. at the Benton County Service Center. Members of the public are invited to join in during open session or watch the livestream at Summarized Resolutions will be available in the Auditor's office and at:

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve the agenda. Seeman, Bierschenk and Primmer voting aye. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Primmer seconded: To approve the December 2, 2024 minutes. Seeman, Bierschenk and Primmer voting aye. Motion carried.

Bierschenk moved/Seeman seconded: To approve the December 3, 2024 minutes. Seeman, Bierschenk and Primmer voting aye. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve the claims Payroll checks numbered 143529 through 143538, ACH Deposits 59317 through 59473, vendor checks 252107 through 252112, and claims numbered 252113 through 252248. Seeman, Bierschenk and Primmer voting aye. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve the following claim to be paid out of the ARPA fund; Ralston Construction, Inc. for $39,811.40. Seeman, Bierschenk and Primmer voting aye. Motion carried.

Primmer moved/Bierschenk seconded: To authorize signature of Tracy Seeman for Certificate of Compliance for CDBG Procurement Standards. Seeman, Bierschenk and Primmer voting aye. Motion carried.

Primmer moved/Bierschenk seconded: To authorize signature of Tracy Seeman for Claim Certification for the CDBG. Seeman, Bierschenk and Primmer voting aye. Motion carried.

Discussion was had for handbook changes. Adding verbiage as follows: Section 4.1 Holidays-New employees will be eligible for paid holidays at the onset of employment. Section 4.2 Vacation-To be eligible for annual leave payout, you must be employed with the county for over 180 days. Section 6.10 Tabacco Use-Benton County prohibits any form of smoking (e-cigarettes, vaping, etc.) in all county buildings, all county-owned vehicles, and on county owned property with the following exceptions: Section 4.3 Sick Leave-Accumulated sick leave may be used for any of the following: Illness, injury, medical, dental and vision appointments of employee, partner, parent or child. Section 4.4 Donated Leave-"Catastrophic illness" means a physical or mental illness or injury, as certified by a licensed physician, or an employee or an immediate family member that will result in the ability of the employee to report to work on their normal schedule for an extended period of time due to the need to attend to themselves or the immediate family member on a consecutive or intermittent basis. These changes will go into effect January 1, 2025.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve the presented handbook changes effective January 1, 2025. Seeman, Bierschenk and Primmer voting aye. Motion carried.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To approve Class C Retail Alcohol License for Walnut Ridge Venue LLC. Seeman, Bierschenk and Primmer voting aye. Motion carried.

Bierschenk moved/Seeman seconded: To approve Resolution #24-109. Seeman, Bierschenk and Primmer voting aye. Motion carried.


WHEREAS, the structure at this location has been replaced by a new structure and

WHEREAS, the new structure will no longer need a weight restriction,

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Benton County Board of Supervisors that the weight restriction previously imposed on this structure be removed. The structure is located as follows:

BG-1046 0.4 mile north of the SW corner of section 29-84N-11W (Big Grove Township) on 17th Avenue between 66th Street Drive and 68th Street

Signed this 10th day of December 2024.


Chair, Board of Supervisors



ATTEST: ____________________________________

Deputy Auditor

Board gave reports on their board meetings they have attended: Bierschenk-Regional Mental Health is a mess with the changes that is going on. Seeman-EMS-they had good discussion, ECICOG-found another house to work on through the trust fund, RACOM-holding up the final payment until things are finalized, little things need to be finished, Conservation-meeting was short and sweet. Primmer-wasn't able to attend the Heartland meeting but had Ron Tippett attend. Tippett reported there is no big increases on anything.

Ben Turnis, IT Director, had his employee evaluation with the Board. The board reviewed Turnis' self-evaluation and discussed upcoming changes and projects that Turnis is working on. Turnis is wanting an IT audit done on the Sheriff's office before he fully takes over their IT services.

Grace Schmidt, Public Health Director, had her employee evaluation with the Board. The board reviewed Schmidt's self-evaluation and discussed the vaccination program and how her new board was working with her.

Seeman moved/Bierschenk seconded: To Adjourn at 10:03 a.m. Seeman, Bierschenk and Primmer voting aye. Motion carried.


Rick Primmer Chairman

ATTEST: _________________________________

Gina Edler, Benton County Deputy Auditor


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