The city council had a double header set of meetings on the day after Christmas. Beginning at 6:00 p.m. the council attended a work session to discuss designated parting for 303 1st Ave. in Vinton.
During the Work Session the council discussed parking concerns with Patrick Horst of Horst Physical Therapy. Patients are in need of parking closer to the business so that they can more easily make it into the business without further injury, especially in the winter. At times Horst has had to volunteer to park cars a distance from the business to accommodate patients who are in need of assistance.
The city owns the lot next to the business but currently has the row of parking on the south side of the lot reserved for city employees only. Horst requested 2 or 3 slots to be opened to free up more parking spaces.
The council then went into the regular bi-monthly meeting at 7:00 p.m. with all council members present. Roll call was taken followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Agenda and consent agenda were approved.
The following minutes were received and filed:
Council meeting minutes of December 12, 18 & 19, 2024
Parks & Recreation meeting minutes of December 12, 2024
Library meeting minutes of November 13, 2024
Approval was given for:
- special class C retail native wine license for Red Cedar Wines LLC (pending dramshop review)
-class E retail alcohol license for Guru Nanek Enterprises Inc
-tobacco permit for Guru Nanak Enterprises Inc
Before approval of City invoices was given, Mayor Bud Maynard had a question about the airport phone bill of $1,050.89. The decimal was in the wrong place according to the company. Chris Ward, the City Administrator said that the company will be correcting the amount. This expense was not authorized to be paid at this meeting.
Committee Reports
Ron Hessenius reported on the Work Session prior to the meeting. He recommended that the three spaces on the east end of the south side of the lot revert to public parking.
Citizen's Input
Katie Hopkins of the Benton County Historical Society addressed the council. She said that she and her husband took on the fundraising aspect for the group, and has been doing it for the last four years. They've raised over $20,000 in small-scale events over the years and brought close to 5-600 people into the community.
A change order for the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) #3 improvements was approved.
A resolution for the preliminary approval of the sale of lots (subject to terms and provisions of the development agreement between the City of Vinton and Vinton Braille School LLC and Hobart Historic Restoration PM, LLC) was put on hold pending the dedication of J Ave. to the city. Lots will be approved for sale when J Ave. is open to the public.
In a bit of good news for the city aka taxpayers. The city qualified for a grant for the Waste Water Treatment Project. The Mayor pointed out that this will help to bring the project in under budget. The grant is from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) an additional subsitity, principal forgiveness award, via a Bipartisan Infrastructure (BIL) General Supplemental Grant. The requirements have been met to qualify for this grant.
The principal award for the project is $600,000. The SRF portion of the costs for the project are $12,606,500. The total loan is for $14,227,000.
Approval was given of a revised proposal for a geotechnical evaluation by Braun Intertec for the Water Treatment Plant.
Matt Boggess of Vinton Parks and Rec brought a quote for playground equipment to the B.L. Anderson Park for a total cost of $36,552.60. The council gave approval for the project to move ahead.
The city will also be getting a new website design and entering a hosting contract with Iroc Web Design Services.
A date was set for a work session for FY26 budget work for January 30, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.
Under Reports:
Ward reported on the Waste Water Treatment Plant that the environmental report is in progress. Scott Meyer, also gave an update on the street treatment and tree trimming.
Ted Paxton, VPD Police Chief gave an update on the Holiday with a Cop program that served about 90 children.
Matt Boggess, VPRD reported on breakfast with Santa, and the Winter Carnival and the projects being completed around the skate center.
Melissa Schwan said she is excited to start work on the new website.
Good & Welfare
Maynard reported that the Presbyterian Church held a free lunch at the church and it went well.
The meeting was adjourned.
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