February 18, 2025 at 9:00 a.m.
Benton County Service Center Conference Room
811 D Ave.
Vinton, IA
** Agenda is not printed in any particular order; only time-specific items will be addressed at certain times
1. 9:00 A.M. Call to Order
2. Approve minutes
3. Approve Agenda
4. Discuss/Approve City of Shellsburg Law Enforcement Contract
5. Mona Onken
Re: Discuss/Approve out-of-state training
6. Mark Erickson
RE: Discuss/Approve out-of-state training
7. Discuss/Authorize Chairman to sign the certificates of appointments for deputies in the Sheriff and Auditor's office.
8. Set Date for Public Hearing on the FY26 Maximum Levy
9. FY26 Budget Work 10. Reports - committee meetings, liaison, Etc.
11. Unfinished Business
12. New/Old Business/Public Interest Comments (limited to 3 minutes each)
13. Adjourn
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