Health And Fitness

Test Iowa sites relocated in Des Moines, Cedar Rapids

Test Iowa sites in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids will be moved to new locations in those communities later today when testing concludes at 6 p.m. The Des Moines site, currently located at the Iowa Events Center north parking lot, was the first to open in the state on April 25.  It will move to Polk County River Place at 2309 Euclid Avenue in Des Moines.


Dr. Brian Meeker was elected vice-president of the Iowa Osteopathic Medical Association.Brian Meeker, D.O. of Vinton, Iowa attended and graduated from Des Moines University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in 1984. He completed his residency at St. Luke’s Medical Center and internship at Davenport Medical Center. He is board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine.

Virginia Gay Nursing and Rehab share guidelines for reopening

Virginia Gay Nursing and Rehab received guidance from Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) on the phased-in reopening of nursing homes. Phase I of the reopening plan does not change any of our current practices until we have 14 days without any positive or suspected cases in staff or residents. We have two staff members off at this time, and we will reevaluate once we have 14 days without having to remove staff from work due to screening positive with symptoms.

Vinton's Red Cross Community Blood Drive to be held June 19

The Vinton Red Cross Community Blood Drive will be held Friday, June 19, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Vinton Skate Center.  Due to COVID requirements, you must have an appointment and bring a mask if you have one.  Appointments can be made by calling 1-800-733-2767, calling Kristie at (319)472-4292, or go online at

Preserve Your Garden’s Bounty

Preserving your garden’s summer bounty is a great way to enjoy home-grown produce year round– as long as you don’t serve foodborne illness, like botulism, with your home preserved foods. “Home food preservation is not difficult, but it does require following specific directions exactly,” said Kelsey Salow, Iowa State University, Nutrition and Wellness Specialist.

Virginia Gay Hospital Home Health Agency received best in class

Congratulations to the Virginia Gay Hospital Home Health Agency staff for receiving customer experience awards from Pinnacle Quality Insight in the following areas: Specific Care Issues; Care From The Agency's Home Health Providers, and Recommend This Agency To Family Or Friends. Over the last twelve months, Pinnacle Quality Insight, a nationally recognized customer satisfaction firm, interviewed patients of Virginia Gay Hospital Home Health Agency regarding their satisfaction levels.

Pass the Love

The Benton-Iowa Community Partnership for Protecting Children and Above the Influence Wellness Coalition are asking you to be part of the Pass the Love Campaign to celebrate the importance of social connections.Individuals of all ages are encouraged to create a card (or two!) for kids receiving inpatient or outpatient services for mental health or behavioral health.

Universal Masking at VGH

Effective Wednesday, May 13th, Virginia Gay Hospital healthcare will implement universal masking. This decision was made based on the recommendations of the CDC, and the Iowa Department of Public Health, as well as the availability of sufficient supply of appropriate masks.


In the long list of routines disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, many Iowans may have missed preventive dental exams, ignored a nagging toothache or even forgot to brush their teeth a few times during the long days of quarantine. Iowa dentists have been gearing up to welcome patients back per Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds' May 8 proclamation, but visits will look a little different now.

May WOW Newsletter

Attached you will find your edition of the May 2020 WOW newsletter. This edition features:Improving StrengthWashing Leafy GreensRecipe for Orange Dressing with FruitInflammation and the role diet may play UPCOMING FREE CLASSES:Food Preservation 101- Online, May 28th Bonus Links:Bought Too Much Food? Freeze It!Online Workshop for Safe Mushroom ForagingProper Cleaning and Sanitizing During COVID-19Reinvent Family Meal TimeDon’t Go Hungry.
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