Health And Fitness

Give Someone Another Year

Blood donors who roll up their sleeve to make a lifesaving gift with LifeServe Blood Center can give someone one more year! One blood donation can save up to three local hospital patients. It’s not just trauma victims who need blood; premature babies, cancer patients, transplant recipients, and new mothers can all use blood as part of lifesaving treatment.

Union Community Schools Closed due to Norovirus

The Union Community School District announced that it will be closed for cleaning after a staff member found out that they had been infected with the Norovirus. The classes are canceled district wide tomorrow, January 18. Norovirus is a highly contagious disease that is spread through contact with the infected person, surfaces, contaminated food or water.

Conversation on Emerging Drug trends:Parents, Educators, Youth Workers

A conversation on emerging drug trends will be held for parents, grandparents, educators, youth & community workers on Tuesday, February 12th, there will be a presentation from 6:30-7:30 p.m. with a Question and Answer time to follow. The location of this event will be at the Belle Plaine Community Center, located at 1309 5th Ave. in Belle Plaine.


A record number of Iowans are saying "yes" to organ, tissue, and eye donation resulting in hundreds of lives saved in 2018. Iowa Donor Network (IDN) reports that in 2018, Iowa had the highest number of organ donors in the state's history. In total, 74 deceased donors gave the gift of life which resulted in 248 organs transplanted, also the most ever in Iowa's history.

January WOW Newsletter

Attached you will find your edition of the January WOW newsletter. This edition features:   ·       Small Changes Add Up For Better Health ·       Recipe for Citrus Infused Water ·       Is Your Fruit-i

Stay Healthy During the Holidays: How Chiropractic Can Help Your Immune System

By: Gabriel Smith, D.C. With cold and flu season underway it is important that we do everything we can to stay healthy and seeking chiropractic care is one of them.  Chiropractic has been known to show improved immune function dating all the way back to the 1918 flu pandemic. During the flu pandemic it is estimated that around 50 million people died to the flu, but patients under chiropractic care fared well in comparison to the general population.

Breast Cancer Survivors to Meet Dec. 10

Breast Cancer Survivors will meet Monday, December 10 at Windsor Manor in the dining room at 5:45 for the annual Christmas get together. Please bring a snack to share and a $10 gift for the exchange, if you like.  Reminder:  Pink Night at the high school girls basketball game is Tuesday, January 22.   Our group will not meet in January or February.

December WOW Newsletter provides holiday help

The December WOW newsletter includes the following features: Holiday Mealtime ·        Recipe for Vegetable Pasta Soup ·        Adapting Recipes with Raw Eggs ·        Let’s Deskercise! CLICK  to view.

Benton County Colon Cancer Rates Lowest In State Thanks To Dr. Brian Meeker and

Dr. Brian Meeker, DO, a physician with Virginia Gay Hospital and Clinics attended the American Association for Primary Care Endoscopy (AAPCE) event in Atlanta, Georgia on November 2nd and 3rd. Dr. Meeker shared data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) showing that Virginia Gay’s prevention and awareness efforts have helped make Benton County’s rate of colon cancer for people 50 years and older the lowest in Iowa.

VGH Receives National Recognition for Performance Leadership in Patient Outcomes

November 15, 2018 – Today, on National Rural Health Day, Virginia Gay Hospital announced it has been recognized by The Chartis Center of Rural Health and the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) for overall excellence for performance in the top quartile for patient outcomes among all rural hospitals in the nation.
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