Virginia Gay Hospital and Clinics is proud to announce VGH Home Health Agency is the recipient of Pinnacle Quality Insight’s 2014 Customer Experience Award™. Qualifying for the award in five categories of service, VGH Home Health displays a continued dedication to providing Best in Class senior healthcare services.

Mike Riege, CEO of Virginia Gay Hospital and Clinics describes receiving the award as an honor, stating “This award acknowledges the exceptional and tireless work done by our front line Home Health staff and leadership, and serves as a reminder to our community of our commitment to quality care.”

Throughout its long history of serving the community, VGH Home Health Agency has placed a strong emphasis on nursing that the individual needs of every patient are met. Over the course of 2013, patients and families were asked to evaluate several aspects of their received services. From the results of these interviews, Pinnacle has determined that Virginia Gay Hospital Home Health has qualified for a Pinnacle Customer Experience Award™ in the following service areas:

-Care of Patients
-Specific Care Issues
-Caring Staff
-Recommend Agency to Others

The Customer Experience Award™ is awarded to care providers who have achieved best-in-class customer satisfaction standards within their peer group.

By qualifying for the Pinnacle Customer Experience Award™, Virginia Gay Hospital Home Health Agency has satisfied the rigorous demand of scoring in the top 15% of the nation across a 12-month average.

See what services the VGH Home Health Agency provides by clicking here.

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