The flu season is upon us and it has presented itself in a great way, says V-S district nurse Kris Hallberg.

Hallberg shared the following information and advice in a message to V-S families today:

Influenza A has become an epidemic in Iowa and surrounding states. I read that there have been several deaths caused by this virus. The best way to prevent these illnesses is to make sure your children are getting plenty of rest, washing their hands thoroughly, and staying home if they are ill with fever over 100 degrees, vomiting/diarrhea or uncontrollable cough. Please keep them home until they are fever free without meds (aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen) and have not vomited within 24 hours.

The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) says all three viruses covered by this year’s influenza vaccine (including Influenza A (H3N2), A (H1N1), and B) are currently circulating in Iowa. An additional drifted strain of Influenza A (H3N2) is also in circulation in the United States. This strain has accounted for about half the illness seen across the country so far this year. Earlier this month, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention announced that the current influenza vaccine is not as effective in protecting against the drifted strain. However, the vaccine does provide protection against the other circulating strains of influenza.

It is a great time to make an effort to protect yourself and those you come into contact with by getting the flu vaccine and preventing the spread of disease. The spread of disease may be prevented by practicing the 3 C’s:

 Cover your cough/sneeze

 Clean your hands often

 Contain yourself at home when ill.

Kris Hallberg RN

District Nurse

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