Benton County is currently in vaccine Phase 1A and 1B.

Eligible persons are healthcare workers, 65 and older, first responders, PK-12 staff, early childhood education, and childcare workers.

If you are 65 and older, you will be able to receive the vaccine through your Benton County Medical Provider or Pharmacy. Please contact your provider or pharmacy to notify them of your interest in getting the vaccine. They will provide you with further instruction. VGH clinics, will contact you directly when there are vaccines available with instructions on how to schedule an appointment.

If you are a healthcare or essential worker, please contact Benton County Public Health at 319-472-6360.

Please note that the COVID19 vaccine continues to be very limited. We are asking the public to be patient. Currently, the demand for the COVID-19 vaccine far exceeds our supply.

Benton County Public Health and VGH clinics continue to utilize our Virginia Gay Hospital waitlist for Public Health: Public Health will contact you directly when there are vaccines available to schedule your appointment. Please call 319-472-6363 or email @

Community Vaccine Partners:

VGH Clinic - Vinton (319) 472-6300

Unity Point Clinic - Belle Plaine (319) 444-2840

Lagrange Pharmacy - Vinton (319) 472-4274

Cornerstone Apothecary - Van Horne (319) 228-8100

We will continue to add additional partners as we receive more vaccine.

The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) has added two new features on the state's COVID-19 website. A vaccine administration dashboard and vaccine provider locator tool deliver a statewide view of the COVID-19 vaccine effort in Iowa.

Vaccine Administration Dashboard

The dashboard includes data visualizations which include key metrics such as:

* Number of individuals who have received one dose or both doses

* Total doses administered by recipient county of residence and by provider county

* Administration rates by age group, sex, race, and ethnicity

Vaccine Provider Map

Vaccine remains in very short supply. As vaccine supply increases, this tool makes finding local vaccine provider information easily accessible to Iowans. Each provider included manages their own vaccine information and scheduling. Not all vaccine providers listed on this website will have vaccines at this time, as supply remains limited. Please check the facility website before calling.

There continues to be a limited supply of COVID-19 vaccine in Iowa. We encourage all Iowans to remain patient as more vaccine arrives in the weeks and months ahead. It is also critical to continue practicing the mitigation measures that can slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

* Wear a mask or face covering

* Practice social distancing with those outside your household

* Clean your hands frequently with soap and water

* Stay home if you feel sick

* Get tested if you are exposed to, or have symptoms of COVID-19


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