On May 15, 2024, House File 2673 was signed into law. Under this legislation, Iowa will: 

  1. Combine the work and funding for mental health and addictive disorders into a Behavioral Health Service System, guided by a statewide plan, focused on ensuring equitable access to prevention, treatment, recovery, and crisis services.  
  2. Transfer the management of disability services from the local Mental Health and Disability Services (MHDS) Regions to the Division of Aging & Disability Services. To focus on systems of support, care, and connection for all Iowans and families with disability-related needs, management activities will include identifying additional organizations to participate in the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) network and the creation of a disability services system.  
  3. Strengthen important system connections to Medicaid, Public Health, and Child Protective Services by gathering meaningful feedback from Iowans to inform system planning.

Using a shared responsibility model between HHS and system stakeholders, Iowans will build a Behavioral Health Service System that: 

  • Is well-coordinated with clear access points throughout behavioral health districts, 
  • Ensures that individuals and families have access to person-centered services and supports no matter where they live, 
  • Reduces duplication by linking Federal, State and local governance and authority, 
  • Eliminates administrative red-tape, and the same efforts happening in multiple places.  
  • Links funding to measurable outcomes. 

The new Behavioral Health Service System will start July 1, 2025.

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