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On Sunday, the Benton County Suicide Prevention Coalition held an "Out of the Darkness Awareness Walk" at the Benton Community MS/HS Track Complex in Van Horne.

The family-friendly event included snacks, activities, games as well as helpful resources. The walk lasted for about an hour and brought awareness to the community about those who might be hurting and need a word of encouragement.

Calli Torres spoke at the event sharing her story of struggling and surviving. She shared a very moving presentation which can be seen here. The video is only 11 minutes long, take a few minutes to listen to her words. You can find out more about the event by checking out the group's Facebook page which can be seen HERE.

The organization is making shirts available if you would like to help support the group's efforts. Available are two different colors and designs in either a t-shirt or sweatshirt. The link to order a shirt can be found HERE to get some of the gear and support a great organization. 

Orders can be submitted through Friday, September 20. 

If you or someone you know needs to talk to someone, call 988 to speak with someone at the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. 


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