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Join us on Tuesday, Oct. 8th, Thursday, Oct. 10th, Tuesday, Oct. 22nd or Thrusday, Oct. 26th for after after-hours Mammogram Screening Event. Enjoy appetizers and beverages and get your annual mammogram. We will be open until 7:30 PM. Bring a friend!

Request an order from your doctor, call (319)472-6300 and schedule your appointment. Walk-ins are welcome.

Meet our Radiology Techs: Tiffnie and Lindsey, providing imaging and mammography services. Remember early detection saves lives!
Routine, annual, screening mammograms are low dose x-rays that help find breast cancer. This is recommended to start at age 40 and continue annually or semi-annually depending on your risk factors, age, and personal preference. VGH Imaging provides this very necessary screening tool for breast cancer screening. Call your clinic provider at 319-472-6300 to schedule your next appointment.


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