
Vaccines available at Virginia Gay Family Clinics

Vaccine for influenza is now available at Virginia Gay's Family Medical Clinics in Vinton, Atkins, Urbana, and Van Horne.  Perhaps you've heard people say they don't want to get vaccinated because they "always get the flu" afterward.  Simply put, a "flu shot" doesn't cause a cold, but some confusion is understandable because influenza and the common cold share many symptoms in common.

New In-Home Nurturing Parent Program offered to area families

Benton-Iowa Decat is announcing that a new program will begin serving families in Benton and Iowa Counties starting October 1, 2015.  This In-Home Nurturing Parent Program will allow trained in-home family counselors to focus on using a parenting curriculum developed by Dr. Stephen J. Bavolek which has a proven record of preventing and treating child abuse and neglect.

Admiring Grandpa's painting...

Myla Mefford admires the painting of her grandfather, Brian Parr, at the C.R. Museum of Art. Myla Mefford was one of many people who visited the "Midwest Light and Warmth" art display consisting of paintings by Iowa artists at the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art. One of the paintings she lingered longest at was the canvass painting by Vinton artist Brian Parr, her grandfather. That display ended earlier this month. Myla's mom, Emily recalls: "Another favorite painting was Grant Wood's 'Spring in the Country,' and as we studied it together, Myla said, 'I can't stop looking at it!' I knew the feeling exactly.

Geneology room October hours announced

The Genealogy  Room at the Horridge House will be open in October on the following days.          Saturday  October 3,  October 10     October 17   8:30a.m.-12:00       Sunday October 4,      October  11,  2015  1-4p.

Text 2 Protect: Residents urged to add contact number to phones

Text 2 Protect offers residents another way to report crimes to local law enforcement authorities. In the last couple of months we have implemented with the County Sherriff Department a new program called Text 2 Protect.  Below is a commercial that has been produced for explaining this new program that will soon be played at the Vinton Palace Theater and any other avenues that we have available.  Wanted you to see what has been developed so check out the link below.

Residents want to know....who's behind iVinton?

iVinton vote yes November 3rd iVinton is a group of citizens asking voters to approve forming a telecommunications utility in Vinton.  Its members are a diverse group of people, some with highly technical skills and many others who are interested in moving the community forward.  The group believes the most important message is that a “Yes” vote on November 3rd doesn't require any expenditure and doesn't commit the community to follow any specific course of action.

Virginia Gay presents to Vinton Kiwanis Club

Google image of VGH with outline of new clinic added The new Virginia Gay clinic building was the subject of a presentation by Mike Timmermans, VGH Healthcare Foundation Director, at Tuesday’s Vinton Kiwanis Club meeting.  Mike shared drawings of the building and information about how the new space will improve healthcare in Vinton.  The new facility will be located west of the current clinic and will extend out to about the location of the ramp currently connecting the hospital and clinic parking lots.

'Cat calls': Vinton City Council discusses feline control

Below is the Vinton City Government Quote of the Week, or possibly the whole year: “We don’t respond to cat calls.” – Vinton Mayor John Watson. No, the Mayor was not discussing either of the dictionary’s definitions of that slang term for “a shrill whistle or shout of disapproval, typically one made at a public meeting or performance,” or “a whistle, shout, or comment of a sexual nature to a woman passing by.

Cyclist injured in 3-vehicle accident near Shellsburg

On September 26, 2015 at approximately 4:00 pm, The Benton County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call of a three vehicle accident with injuries 1 mile south of Shellsburg on 32nd Avenue. A 2010 Toyota SW driven by Melissa Lynn Smith, age 31, of rural Vinton, was northbound on 32nd Avenue following an agricultural vehicle at a slow speed.

Friday is deadline for FOTSI Scratch Cupcakery fund-raiser

This is the final week of the Scratch Cupcakery Fundraiser happening at Friends of the Shelter. Until this Friday (October 2), members of Friends of the Shelter will be selling 6-packs of Scratch Cupcakery cupcakes! Delivery is set for Friday, October 23. The money raised will help pay for vetting and operational expenses for the animals in our care.