
Historic railroad maintenance cars bring enthusiasts to Vinton

Darrel Christy of Vinton pushes his railroad maintenance car to the tracks for the Saturday ride. An important, but often-overlooked part of railroad life and railroad history came to life for a few hours in Vinton on Saturday, when nearly 50 railroad enthusiasts brought their track maintenance vehicles to the Vinton depot before taking a tour along the tracks between Cedar Rapids and Waterloo. The maintenance cars are about the size of golf carts, and are powered by 1- or 2-cylinder gasoline engines and equipped with train-style metal wheels.

Vinton Feeds the World: Volunteers package 36,000 meals

Vinton Feeds the World: Hundreds of volunteers filled 36,000 bags on Sunday. For the second straight year, nearly 300 volunteers representing several churches and other organizations and families, have gathered at the Vinton Skate Center to help feed the hungry, locally and around the globe. Vinton Feeds the World organizer Marta Bauer, a member of Bethelehem Lutheran Church, said that a total of 278 volunteers helped package 36,072 meals.

VS Fine Arts Century Club plans annual meeting tonight

The board of the Vinton-Shellsburg Fine Arts Century Club would like to extend an invitation to current members of the Vinton-Shellsburg Fine Arts Century Club and to prospective members of Vinton and surrounding communities to attend the annual meeting of the Vinton-Shellsburg Fine Arts Century Club on Monday, September 14. The meeting will take place in the Media Center at the Vinton-Shellsburg High School at 7:00 P.

'Perfect team:' Inge and German bus driver reunite with local tourists

John and Paula Hagenow wore clothing they bought in Europe to the tour reunion at Inge's home. Because of a beloved local tour guide, those who love European music have played a piano in a historic castle and a pipe organ in a European cathedral. Area residents walked where their Old World ancestors lived, and return with suitcases full of souvenirs, cameras full of unique photos and a lifetime of memories.   Nearly 100 groups of 30 to 48 people have gathered at the home of Oliver and Inge Schminke to discuss their upcoming journey.

VS Post-Prom committee seeks more volunteer ushers for Hawkeye games

Post Prom is still in need of the following volunteers, age 16+, to usher for the Iowa Hawkeye Football games:   October 10-Needs 2 (11 am kickoff) Illinois October 31-Needs 6 (TBA) Maryland November 14-Needs 2 (7 pm kickoff) Minnesota November 21-Needs 2 (TBA) Purdue   Background checks must be turned in 2 weeks before the game.

Vinton Lions host scrap metal fundraiser Saturday, September 26th

Rick Ohrt and Rob Levis help move scrap in 2014 Got scrap metal? Want to avoid landfill fees? Area residents are invited to clean up, recycle and contribute to community projects by donating such trash to the Vinton Lions scrap metal fundraiser Saturday September 26, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Ideal Industries, 1705 E Street West (Vinton’s Industrial Park). Elderly and handicapped donors who have no way to transport their scrap can call fundraising chair Rick Ohrt at 472-4813 or email vintonlionsclub@gmail.

Donations needed to finish 'Serving Vinton' sign project

If you have been west of town on Hwy 218 lately, you may have noticed that the old Serving Vinton sign has been taken down and preparations are being made to erect the new sign in the upcoming weeks. I am happy to report that the capital campaign, along with the Vinton Community Foundation grant, has covered a majority of the cost, however a few dollars are still needed to ensure completion of the project.

Virginia Gay Nursing and Rehabilitation celebrates U.S. News Award

Mark Mossman presents the plaque Mark Mossman, Virginia Gay Hospital Board Chair, presented Jessica Henkle and Mike Riege with a plaque commemorating another U.S. News and World Report 5 Star ranking for Virginia Gay’s long term care unit.  Jessica is Nurse Manager, RN, of Virginia Gay Nursing and Rehabilitation.  Mike Riege is CEO of Virginia Gay Hospital.  Mossman, in a short talk prior to presenting the award, praised the staff for yet another award.

Blood drive for local supplies at VGH Friday

You can help save a life. Virginia Gay Hospital will host a LifeServe blood drive Friday, September 11th at the hospital from 1:00 to 5:30 PM.  Community residents are reminded that while all blood drives are worthwhile, the LifeServe blood drive is the primary source of blood needed locally for surgeries and emergencies.  Please schedule your blood donation appointment by calling 800-287-4903 or by visiting LifeSeve online at www.

Vinton students help Guatemalan education efforts with greeting cards

Alex Maynard and Monet Elwick bundle greeting cards made by students in Guatemala. Though they are two thousand miles apart, students in El Hato, Guatemala and Vinton are unified by a common cause: education.    In a small village in Guatemala, Maria Rosenda Recopacni, Rudy Domeyco, Dina Norberta and and two dozen other students are making greeting cards as thank-you gifts for donors to their scholarship program.