
RAGBRAI Vendor Deadline Nearing

    June 30 is the deadline to sign up to be a food vendor for RAGBRAI. Any registrations received after June 30 are subject to a late fee. (Click to download a Vendor Application form) RAGBRAI will bring 10,000+ hungry riders coming into Vinton! This may be a fantastic fundraising opportunity for your organization if you are interested.

Local artist Parr has painting featured in C.R. Museum exhibit

'Morning Glow:' Brian Parr's painting is part of a summer display at the CR Museum of Art. Brian Parr of Vinton is one of 60 Iowa artists whose work was selected for a new exhibit at the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art. Brian's oil painting on canvass called "Morning Glow" will be among dozens featured in the "Midwest Summer: Light & Warmth" display. Brian's painting was one of 60 pieces to be displayed out of over 250 entries.

RAGBRAI inspection team rides through Vinton

Cyclist leave Celebration Park, heading for Shellsburg after lunch in Vinton. “Daddy!!!!!” Three young girls stood at the southwest corner of Celebration Park, waiting for the arrival of the bicycles. When Matt Phippen rounded the corner, his three daughters cheered and waved. They had been waiting several days to see him. Phippen is one of 30 official RAGBRAI Route Inspection Team members who has spent the week riding the route that 10,000 or so bikers will take when they cross the state for the annual bike ride late in July.

Grants to help with two Shellsburg projects; SACG plans golf event June 13

A walking trail is among the projects planned in Shellsburg Shellsburg residents are looking forward to several community projects this summer and are thankful to have received news of two grant awards.   The Shellsburg Area Community Group (SACG) has been awarded a Rockwell Collins “Green Communities” grant for $2,500. This money will be used to purchase native plants for a streambank improvement project in the city park.

Party in Pink 5K: Will Mike Timmermans wear a tutu?

So far, the Virginia Gay Hospital Foundation Gifts of Hope Fund has helped 14 area women pay for medical services. Foundation Director Mike Timmermans says he hopes more women will ask for help. “Our fund balance is just over $30,000, thanks to all the efforts of the people, teams and organizations mentioned below,” says Timmermans.

IEDA Director to Tour Benton County

On June 17th, the Iowa Economic Development Authority Director, Debi Durham, will be visiting Benton County. Ms. Durham was appointed by Governor Terry Branstad in January of 2011 as director of the Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED). In collaboration with Gov. Branstad and Legislators, Durham worked to restructure the IDED into a public-private partnership to update and improve the way Iowa’s economic development programs and services are delivered.

VSHS announces 3rd Trimester Honor Roll

Vinton-Shellsburg High School has named the students on the 3rd Trimester Honor Roll. Click HERE to see the complete list.

Medical condition causes accident Saturday

Railroad workers replaced a crossing signal knocked over after Saturday. A driver suffered a medical condition before a vehicle collided with a railroad crossing signal Saturday on Second Avenue in Vinton. Police and ambulance crews responded. The driver was taken to the hospital for treatment; crews replaced the signal on Tuesday.   

Restoration of soldier, angel monuments underway at Evergreen

Cemetery restoration expert John Heidel discusses the Civil War statue with Tim Fuchs. Standing tall on the hill on the west edge of Evergreen Cemetery, “Stoney” has been inspiring local residents for years. Some people have told cemetery sexton Tim Fuchs that the tall statue of a Civil War soldier, whom many now call by that nickname, has helped them as they stopped to talk to him about what is happening in their lives.

RAGBRAI Route Inspection Pre-Ride to visit Vinton June 4

There really is only one good way to inspect the selected roads for a bike event … get out and ride it on bike! And that is exactly what we are going to do with a team of knowledgeable cyclists thoroughly examining every mile of the RAGBRAI route on bicycles. For the eleventh consecutive year the RAGBRAI Route Inspection Pre-Ride Team will ride the entire RAGBRAI route 50 days in advance of the event.