
Swimming Pool to open for the season this weekend!

The Vinton Community Swimming Pool will officially open to the public for the season on Saturday, May 24th. Some modifications have been made to next week’s hours since school will still be in session.   Saturday,  May 24 – Regular Hours Sunday, May 25 – Regular Hours Monday, May 26 – Regular Ho

4th Grade State Fair Day

                 On the 9th of May, nine Vinton-Shellsburg FFA members went to the 4th Grade State Fair Day at Tilford Elementary to help out. At 4th Grade State Fair there are different stations that the fourth graders go to to learn about different things and to experience new stuff.

FFA honors many members, seniors at Awards Banquet

FFA Awards Banquet                Every year the Vinton-Shellsburg FFA Chapter holds an Awards Banquet for the members who have shown success throughout the year in FFA. This year’s Awards Banquet was held on May 10th, with 42 members attending. These members, along with others that couldn’t make it the night of Banquet, received awards in different areas of FFA.

CDE: How VS FFA members participate in Career Development Events

Shane Monaghan and his team of 3 Benton FFA members placed 7th in Agronomy. FFA CDEs are very important to FFA members, they help improve skills and give members more experience in different fields of agriculture. Many members do specific CDEs (Career Development Events) to help them for future careers and others do them because they are fun. Recently, the FFA Chapter has had 14 FFA members participate in CDEs. These CDEs consist of District Foods, Agronomy, Floriculture, and Horse judging.

World War II reunion follows player piano party at CP Historical Society

The Center Point Historical Society celebrated the long awaited arrival of spring with a Player Piano Party May 4. On June 1 the Society will celebrate summer with a World War II reunion for veterans, families and the public. The Piano Party was attended by more than 40 guests who heard Judy Trygstad, Vinton, play Forties tunes and enjoyed refreshments served by CPU Service Learning students Faith Lansdown and Nick Thibault.

Seventh graders honor area veterans by making military shadow boxes

Shelby McDonald holds the shadow box she made for her grandfather, Raymond. Army Veteran Raymond Roger McDonald will soon have a beautiful white shadow box to contain his favorite U.S. Army memories from a half-century ago, when was serving his country while stationed in Greenland. The box contains a photo of the dog he paid for with cigarettes in a trade with a Greenland Eskimo; a poem he wrote to his girl, Nina, anticipating their wedding; his buddies and the vehicles he used while there.

It's a boy (at least judging from the color of the ribbon)

A bird's nest seemingly includes a celebratory ribbon. Four robin's nests, in various stage of completion, have been seen on a the stairway leading to a side room at Blessed Hope Church. The blue ribbon reminds us of how humans celebrate a new life. 

Choir concert includes old favorite, new numbers

VS Choral Night: Seventh grade girls sing to the boys during 'Reuben and Rachel.' The annual Vinton-Shellsburg Choral Night featured a variety of middle school and high school choirs and ensembles included some new songs as well as old favorites probably sung by their parents when they were in the school choir. Middle school performers include sixth, seventh and eighth grade choruses, an 8th grade mixed ensemble, an ensemble featuring several sixth grade girls and eight grader Baylee Bruce singing "Over the Rainbow," and a seventh-eighth grade girls ensemble.

Thrive Magazine is Now Available!

Thrive Magazine Over the past few days many people in Benton County have received a copy of “Thrive,” a health and lifestyle magazine from Virginia Gay Hospital and Clinics, in the mail. Complimentary copies are available at VGH clinics or can be downloaded (PDF) by clicking here - Thrive Magazine. . Enjoy the magazine.  

School board addresses VSHS staffing changes; seeks two new coaches

The list of resignations for the Vinton-Shellsburg School board includes high school wrestling coach Joel Neve and girls basketball coach Deb Schirm. Both of them submitted letters of resignation recently.  Amy Sandau also resigned as high school science teacher and assistant soccer coach.  Larry Harken will change from full time industrial arts teacher to half-time industrial arts and half-time ag teacher for the next school year, but will resign at the end of the 2014-15 year.