
Angel Tree distribution set for Dec. 18-19

The distribution the Angel Tree gifts will take place this Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 18-19., from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., in the old Dollar General store building on West 4th Street in Vinton. For more information, call LaNette Parker at 319-521-1496.

Residents express concern over 'J-Turn' at Highway 218/30 intersection

J-Turn: Residents discussing DOT proposal for Highway 30/218 intersection There’s a new word that Benton County drivers are learning, and so far, it does not seem very popular: J-Turn. J-Turn is the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) term for its plans for a new re-design of the Highway 30/218 intersection south of Vinton. The Vinton Lions Club recently heard a presentation on the proposed changes from Blairstown City Councilman Gary Biershenk.

Amateur Radio Is a W.I.N. Win

There is an acronym I recently picked up (everyone loves acronyms right?) and it is WIN or “What’s Important Now”. It is a good perspective to have during good times and times of disaster. We’re closing in on Christmas so let’s consider the WIN. We need to think about Christmas shopping, winter weather preparedness, shoveling snow, etc.

G & G toy drive a success again this year

The G & G Christmas tree is surrounded by (and even filled with) gifts for area children. Vinton Today recently received this message from G & G auto arts store: "Once again it looks like Santa will be very good to all of the Benton County children. We just began our annual Toy Drive and already a very generous "elf" donated $250." Today (Friday) G & G staff will deliver a truckload of toys to the local Angel Tree Christmas program for distribution to needy area families.

FFA fruit arrives; students begin distribution

Vinton-Shellsburg FFA students spent a busy day on Tuesday sorting, counting and boxing the fruit for the 2013 orders. Those who participated in the annual fund-raiser are receiving their orders this week. 

VS FFA Learning Lab public fund-raising campaign begins

The Vinton-Shellsburg Agricultural Advisory Committee has an exciting opportunity for you to be involved in as you show your support of educational programs at the Vinton-Shellsburg High School. We would like to share with you a NEW and EXCITING venture in our agricultural education program! Vinton-Shellsburg FFA Chapter’s theme this year is “Why Dream it? Live It!” This is amazingly fitting as the agriculture department is in the process of having our department dreams come to life.

Despite weather, Fill The Plate nets $100,000; more funds still needed

Despite winter weather conditions, the Fill the Plate fund-raiser for the Heritage Area Agency on Aging Home Delivered and Congregate Meal program on Sunday netted more than $100,000 for senior food programs in the several-county region that includes Benton County. “It went well, but many people couldn’t make it because of the winter weather, and when they did come in, they were all wind-blown,” said Rep.

No School due to snow

Today, December 11, there will be NO SCHOOL Due to inclement weather. Stay home and stay safe! 

First Tech Challenge: VSHS team prepares robot for 'Block Party' competitions

The robot's wheels roll forward as well as left or right, with casters allowing four-way movement. Just a few steps from the Vinton-Shellsburg High School library is a 60-inch 3D television set with several video game controllers. Twice a week, nine students eagerly walk from their last class of the day to that room. But it’s not the TV that draws them, or the video games. It’s a chance to build a robot. Those nine – Celia Turner, Kendra Peterson, Caitlyn Martin, Jacob Isbell, Jacob Gosse, Eli Rogers, Chris Ahlemeyer, Devin Tollefson, Zach Uthoff, Matt Upmeyer and Ricky Martin – are members of the 2013-14 VSHS First Tech Challenge team.

Assessor's office reminds business owners of new Tax Credit deadline

The Benton County Assessor's Office is reminding the owners of business properties (those classified as commercial, industrial or railroad) of the Jan. 15 deadline for signing up for the new Iowa Business Property Tax Credit. The exact amount of the credit depends on various factors, including the number of property owners who sign up.