
Holiday Parade participants brave rain to light up city streets

Despite the rain and a bit of wind, many participants lined the streets for the annual Lighted Holiday Veterans Parade on Thursday evening. Floats with lights powered by generators or other special adapters represented both the holidays and the patriotism of veterans and their friends.  The parade ended with Santa Claus arriving by fire truck for his first visit of the year with area children.

V-S FFA donates to local veterans groups

On Monday November 11, 2013, the Vinton-Shellsburg FFA chapter donated $1,330 to the Vinton and Shellsburg Veterans groups (American Legion posts).  The money that was donated came from our pancake breakfast that was held last month. Our free-will donation pancake breakfast was held on October 19th at the Vinton-Shellsburg High School.

Cans for Kids: A huge success

Way back in the year of 2001, Vinton had a little dilemma on their hands. The last of the Redemption Centers had closed their doors. This meant the only places you could take those nickel refundable cans & bottles were the grocery stores and convenience stores. A good friend bounced the idea off of me to have the Park & Recreation Department collect cans & bottles from the community and use these funds collected for our youth programs.

Healthstrong: Virginia Gay Hospital among Top Performers

Virginia Gay Hospital was recently recognized by iVantage Health Analytics as a HealthStrong™ Award winner for Excellence in Efficiency, reflecting top quartile performance among all acute care hospitals in the nation. The award is based on outstanding performance in the following areas: Overall Excellence, Excellence in Quality, Excellence in Outcomes, Excellence in Patient Satisfaction, and Excellence in Efficiency.

VS FFA helps continue Christmas lights and roping tradition

On Saturday November 16, 2013 the Vinton-Shellsburg FFA Chapter helped with putting up lights and roping for the holiday season. Members met at 9am at the courthouse, along with National Honor Society members, and black and gold hour workers. The members broke into groups and were all assigned to various locations throughout Vinton to decorate. After the lights and roping were hung and everything was finished, members went to the First Christian Church by Theisens in Vinton for pizza, pop, and other snacks.

FFA members hand-pick corn for snow rows

On Friday November 15, 2013, Vinton-Shellsburg FFA members met at the high school at 9 a.m. to go to the William Brothers farm on Highway 150 to hand pick corn. This activity is something that was started last year. Members hand-pick the corn on the snow fences and when they sell it, the money goes to the chapter account. There were eight rows of corn in a field that was about a mile long, for the members to pick.

Angel Tree program now accepting applications

Angel Tree 2013 will be accepting applications for Christmas assistance through December 6. There are two ways to apply: 1. Visit First Christian Church, 1209 W. 13th St. (next to Theisen’s on Hwy. 218) Monday – Friday, 9am-noon 2. Schedule an afternoon appointment by calling LaNette at 319-521-1496 If you would

One week left for bidding on VGH Christmas Tree Walk

This tree doubles as a snowman. Would you like a "Very Berry Christmas Tree?"  Virginia Gay Hospital has one. How about a "Very Beary Christmas Tree?" Yes, that is there too. There are trees for those who love snow and snowmen, and even one for those who are tired of snow. The Iowa Hawkeyes and Chicago Cubs have a tree in their honor.

Celebration Park offers new perspective for bird watchers

Bird watching: Benches at the new Celebration Park offer this view of the Cedar River. Vinton Parks and Recreation Department employee Allan Merchant spent part of Tuesday planting flowers at the new Celebration Park along the Cedar River in Vinton. Benches stationed at the top of the new river wall allow for bird watching as well as a great view of the river. 

Iowa Legion leaders honor Vasquez as Teacher of the Year at VSMS

Iowa Legion officers presented Alex Vasquez his Teacher of the Year plaque. On Saturday, Dec 7, local veterans will make their way to Vinton-Shellsburg Middle School, where they and other guests will listen as Alex Vasquez and his students lead the annual Pearl Harbor Memorial ceremony; an event that Vazquez initiated several years ago. On Monday, the veterans made their way to Vinton-Shellsburg Middle School, where they honored Mr.