
Veterans' organization history: AMVETS 218 honors two female vets with new name

AMVETS Post 218 has been renamed to honor two female vets: Marion Gualtier & Phyllis Kulaszewski. Member of AMVETS Post 218 celebrated their group's 10th anniversary this week by renaming the post in honor of two female World War II veterans -- Marion Gualtier and Phyllis Kulaszewski. In doing so, the post became the first-ever AMVETS group -- and perhaps the first-ever post in any national veterans organization -- to name itself after two female veterans.

Post-Prom: Students, parents spend night at VSHS, with variety of food, fun

The annual Post-Prom kept parents of VSHS juniors awake all night on Saturday through Sunday morning, as the annual event offered a variety of activities, food and prizes for the attendees of the 2013 VS Prom.

2013 Prom Night

Prom 2013: Deb Cummings helps Curtis Geiger with his boutonniere before the Grand March. Vinton-Shellsburg High School juniors and seniors and their dates dressed up for the 2013 Prom on Saturday. They took turns facing the audience during the Traditional Grand March at the high school before going to dance at the Skate Center. Most will return for the Post Prom event after midnight.

Celebration Park fund drive surpasses goal by $30,500; work to begin soon

Celebration Park Fund-Raising Committe: Jeff Petersen, John Anderson, Mark Mossman, & Jon Clingman.   The Vinton Parks & Recreation Department is very excited to have reached the goal of $250,000 for the development of the new Celebration Park. Actually, the fundraising committee has now raised $280,500 for the project. The committee is very thankful of the support that they have received from the community and surrounding areas and want to be sure that all of the funds will stay with the Celebration Park fund.

Benton County Conservation Donation Update: Red Cedar

Ken Gregory of the Ikes and our thankful naturalist Karen Phelps at the bird feeders                     The Benton county conservation foundation would like to thank “The Red Cedar Chapter of the Izaac Walton League” for their generous donation to the development of the Benton County Nature Center Foundation of $3,500 in 2012.

First grade concerts offer tribute to retiring Mrs. Zenk

For the very last time as Tilford music teacher, Connie Zenk directed a concert by elementary students on Monday night. Mrs. Zenk will retire at the end of this school year, after 25 years of teaching for the district. She told the parents that the goal of the programs she organized was to show what musical lessons the students have learned over the past year.

'Spending Strike:' 1996 grad Sarah Morey Baker to visit Vinton for book signing

Sarah Morey Baker and her family; she will visit Vinton for a book-signing tonight. What would happen if you and your family decided to not spend any money at all (other than paying your bills) for a whole month? That question – and the answer – is found in the book “Spending Strike” by 1996 WHS graduate Sarah Morey Baker. Sarah returns to Vinton for book signing at 6:30 p.m. tonight at the library.

Race fans to aid Alzheimer's Association May 19

There will be a special event to raise funds for the Alzheimer's Association during the races at the Benton County Speedway on Sunday, May 19. The main promotion is the raffle of the Alzheimer's Association quilt, which includes 14,000 squares. Each of the three-quarter-inch squares represents one caregiver for Alzheimer’s patients in the state of Iowa.

Bird watchers: Pelicans return to Cedar River area

Bird lovers may have noticed the group of pelicans hanging out near the Cedar River north of Vinton. The Vinton Today camera also captured a pair of unique birds (at least to us) with shiny blue plumage on their heads. 

Tilford 4th graders perform annual concert

The Tilford Elementary 4th grade students sang about grandma's feather bed and several other things, took turns playing percussion instruments and ended their annual concert Monday evening with a tribute to soldiers and their families entitled "Grateful Nation." Director Lois Martin complimented the students on their hard work and said they are ready for their next lessons in music: Composing melodies.