
Historic Place: Seed house under repair after flood, wind storm damage

Built more than a century ago, the Iowa Canning Seed House is on the National Register. A piece of local history that was submerged in the Flood of 2008 then substantially damaged in the July 11, 2011 wind storm is now under repair, and also has a new marker honoring its role in 19th and 20th Century Vinton. The Vinton Canning Seed House at 201 First Avenue, now owned by Joseph and Peggy Schott of Vinton, lost much of its roof during that storm.

Speech contest season begins; VS hosts WAMAC Large Group event

Group Improv: Katie Hanson, Cara Hach and Natalie Ketchen competed in Wamac event. Vinton-Shellsburg High School speech students began their competition season on Monday, when VSHS hosted the Wamac Conference Large Group event. Hundreds of students from the conference participated in a variety of events.  Ten VSHS students in three teams competed in the Group Improv category. Cara Hach, Katie Hanson and Natalie Ketchen were on one team; Josh Ridley, Emily Howe and Kyra Blix on another.

School board learns of impact of iPads, 1 to 1 laptops at VSHS

School board members learned how iPads are helping Vinton-Shellsburg students learn. Members of the Vinton-Shellsburg School Board saw several demonstrations of how modern computer technology can help with education.  Several teachers demonstrated how students are using Apple iPads and laptop computers to create videos, and learn reading and pronunciation skills. But first, the school board members had a chance for some training on their own iPads.

Vinton to see 28 percent increase in county landfill fee in 2013

The landfill fee for Vinton taxpayers will increase nearly $37,000, or 28 percent this year as the city shares the expense of preparing to close the Benton County landfill. The per capita fee is increasing from $25 to $32 per person. With an official population of 5,257, Vinton's total cost will be $168,224; last year's expense was $131,425.

Pep band, Voyagers and TV add flair to VS basketball games

The pep pand section will take up many more seats Tuesday, as VSHS and IHS musicians play together. The Vinton-Shellsburg High School Pep Band will have lots of help when it plays during Tuesday's girls basketball game vs. Independence. The Independence pep band will also travel to Vinton to join the VS Pep Band. The two bands played together in Independence in December. Other  highlights of recent basketball games included the first performance of the new Voyagers Dance Team.

VSHS Band News: Division 1 ratings, pep band to perform Tuesday

A few notes for fans of the VSHS Band: Tomorrow night (Tuesday, February 15), the Independence Pep Band will be joining forces with the Vinton-Shellsburg Pep Band for a mass pep band performance. The bands will be having a pizza party approximately 6:15 P.M. and will play between games and at half time. The bands will be learning and performing together and will be supporting each of the school's BB teams.

Connection Center to aid VS graduates with mental disabilities

A new 5th Year program for Vinton-Shellsburg High School graduates with mental disabilities is on track to begin in the fall of 2013. During today's School Board meeting, the members will hear an update on, and a request for approval of, the Connections Center. The one-year program will serve VS graduates who have mental disabilities and unmet special education needs.

Missing dog

Missing dog:He was last seen by the Rec Center in Vinton. He has a black collar but no tags. If you have seen him please call animal control at 319-472-2337. Thank you!

Plaza of Heroes to honor those who have helped VGH

Plaza of Heroes: Project will honor those who helped community, and VGH.   The first big campaign of the new year for the Virginia Gay Hospital Foundation is the Plaza of Heroes. This walkway around the new fountain near the main entry to the hospital will honor those who have contributed to the hospital and our community.    Our hopes and goals for the Plaza of Heroes are; 1)       To honor loved ones by having their names engraved in bricks that will surround the new fountain in front of the hospital.

Vinton council to discuss impact of higher landfill fees

  When the Vinton City Council meets tonight to discuss the increase in the city’s landfill expenses, it will be beginning a discussion that will last throughout 2013 and beyond; a discussion about long-term solid waste management. Mayor John Watson and City Coordinator Andy Lent were among local leaders who attended the meeting with the Benton County Supervisors on Tuesday.