
2011 Turkey Coloring Contest Winners

  2011 Turkey Coloring Contest Winners   The Vinton Parks & Recreation Dept held their annual Turkey Coloring Contest for 3rd grade and under. We would like to thank everyone who participated. The following is a list of the contest winners.   Preschool & Under Division 1st – Chloe Sanders 2nd – Rayleigh Stander 3rd – Hayden Henkle   Kindergarten & 1st Grade Division 1st – Blake Soquet 2nd – Brant Ortner 3rd – Jesse Gray   2nd & 3rd Grade Division 1st – Kailey Bahmann 2nd (tied) – Brynn Patterson 2nd (tied) – Christina Harrelson   The winners were rewarded with prizes, their picture laminated and a fire truck ride with Santa.

Honoring veterans: Lions, Scouts help raise funds for Honor Flight

Vinton Lions and Scouts help serve the meal for the Honor Flight fund-raiser.      The Vinton fire station was filled with people enjoying soup on Thursday evening during the fund-raiser for the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight program. The Vinton Lions sponsored the event, and enlisted the help of area Scouts to serve the meal. All proceeds will go toward helping send area World War II veterans to Washington, D.C., to see the memorial that honors them.

AmeriCorps members graduate

Displays like this one serve as reminders of what AmeriCorps NCCC teams accomplished in 2011.      The members of AmeriCorps NCCC Class 17 have formed lifelong friendships with the people they have worked with over the past nine months, says national NCCC DirectorKate Raftery.      Raftery told the graduates Thursday night that she is still friends with the Peace Corps volunteers she served with 38 years ago.

Nativity Walk to include unique Fontanini village

This Fontanini village is part of the Wesley UMC Nativity Walk this Sunday afternoon.        A special feature of the Nativity Walk at Wesley United Methodist Church is an impressive Fontanini Heirloom Village set up being shared by Pastor Bob Fread of Ripley Church in Traer.      Included are 11 lit village buildings including a bakery, pottery shop, market, census takers building, carpentry shop, etc.

Lighted Veterans Holiday Parade grows each year

    The line of entries for the Third Lighted Vinton Veterans Lighted Holiday Parade, as well as the crowd along the streets watching, and those gathered at the courthouse and the end of the parade route, seem to get larger every year.     Veterans groups, area businesses, churches, organizations and others lined up for the parade, which led downtown and ended in front of the courthouse.

Santa arrives in Vinton!

Jack and Madeline Blais speak to Santa Thursday.      Santa Claus rode into Vinton Thursday night, on the top of a Vinton fire truck. He then sang songs with many people gathered for the tree lighting at the courthouse before going inside to meet area children. 

The Christmas Season kicked off Thursday in Vinton!

    There is so much going on over the next few weeks, you're going to flip!  I'll go through the basic information, but please feel free to call or email with more detailed questions.

VSHS Band members participate in 2011 WAMAC Conference Honor Band

VSHS Band members selected for participation in the 2011 WAMAC Conference   On Tuesday, November 15, the Vinton-Shellsburg High School Band Department participated in the 2011 WAMAC Conference Honor Band.  The event was held at Clear Creek-Amana High School, and the bands were conducted by Mr. Steve Stickney (Director of Bands at Linn Mar H.S.) and Mr. Jim DePriest (Director of Bands at Mt. Pleasant H.

Chris Bendull wins Vinton 4th Ward write-in vote; has 10 days to decide

       Chris Bendull was not on the ballot for the Fourth Ward Vinton City Council seat during last Tueday’s election, but he won.          He now has 10 days to decide if he wants to serve on the council for the next year. The position will be on the ballot during the November 2012 election, even though there are no other city offices scheduled to be on teh ballot for the next year.

AmeriCorps members finish service in Vinton; graduation tonight

     The members of AmeriCorps Class XVII will leave Vinton this week, having completed their service in the NCCC program. Their graduation takes place at 6:30 this evening in the Vinton-Shellsburg High School.