
Vinton Police arrest Marion man for storm-related scrap metal thefts

William Cox       Vinton Police have arrested a Marion man for a second time in connection with thefts of scrap metals from storm damaged structures in Vinton since the July 11th storm.        William Cox, 51, of Marion was initially arrested by Vinton Police for Driving Under Suspension on Thursday, when the owner of a storm damaged property caught Cox loading old air conditioning units into his pickup truck.

VU golfers see storm damage at country club

A storm damaged tree near the hole sponsored by US Bank.       Almost everything was familiar to participants of the annual Vinton Unlimited Golf Tournament on Friday. The prizes and refreshments offered by the sponsors of various holes. The good-natured teasing about shots, good and not-so-good. The much-needed mulligans.      But at virtually every hole at the Vinton County Club, the golfers could see the unfamiliar sight of storm-damaged trees and buildings as well.

Atheist Students Volunteer, Clean Up After Storm

Secular students of the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) are volunteering to help the town of Vinton clean up after recent storm damage. The city was devastated by winds that damaged infrastructure and removed power for many residents.  A UNI student group, the UNI Freethinkers and Inquirers (UNIFI), will be traveling to volunteer in the city cleanup on Saturday, July 23, 2011.

Sidewalk sales this weekend in Vinton

Vinton will be holding Sidewalk Sales this weekend.  Be sure to check out your favorite stores for the best deals!

Vinton weather station destroyed by storm

     With the weather at dangerously hot temperatures well into the 90s this week, some Vinton Today readers were surprised to see the weather link at the top of our home page list today's temperature as zero.     But that is a result of the July 11 wind storm, the casualties of which included Jason Hicok's weather station.

Police chief warns other storm victims to beware of unlicensed contractors

        All contractors doing storm damage repair work to structures within the City of Vinton are required by ordinance to be registered with the Vinton City Clerk before doing any work within the City of Vinton.        Vinton City Ordinance Chapter 163 states:  "No electrician, plumber, mechanical or general contractor shall do business within the City without first obtaining a license in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Vinton Night at Veterans Stadium; area residents participate

See note for this pic at end of story     Vinton Night took place on Saturday, July 9, at Veterans Memorial Stadium. Several Vinton youth helped with opening exercises, and Vinton Parks and Recreation Department intern Kellie Brodigan threw out one of the first pitches. Kelly is the granddaughter of Gretta Geiken, who last year threw out the first pitch during Vinton Night, as part of her 80th birthday celebration.

AmeriCorps NCCC Members Lend a Hand at Local Cemetery

  By: Emily Fisher   AmeriCorps NCCC team Oak 6 worked with Evergreen Cemetery this past Tuesday and Wednesday to help clear branches and brush that had fallen due to the powerful storm that blew through Vinton on July 11. The team of 9 was able to help the cemetery workers haul away around 20 tons of branches and rake up an acre of land despite the heat.


  On Friday and Saturday, July 22nd and 23rd, the Mount Auburn Youth Council and Mt. Auburn residents are planning a city wide garage sale. The sales will begin at 9:00 a.m.and end at 5:00 p.m. In the City Park, the Youth Council will be sponsoring a Bake Sale, selling drinks and White Lights Soy Candles and giving directions to buyers.

Do You Need a Permit For Repairs?

  Following last week’s major windstorm, many homes and businesses still need repairs. Now that a good part of the cleanup has been done, many property owners are wondering if they will need a building permit to complete repairs. A good rule of thumb is that any structural repairs or reconstruction will require a permit. There are important reasons for getting a permit.