On Tuesay, August 27, 2013, WWII Veteran John Gualtier brought his Quilt of Valor to the Benton County Legion Meeting in Van Horne. John was one of the WWII Veterans in the State of Iowa to receive one, which was made by The Iowa American Legion Auxiliary. We support our Veterans in many ways and this is just one example. John also Received The Val Likens Service Officers Award at the State convention. He is the only officer to receive this twice. On Saturday at The State convention in Sioux City John was escorted to the American Legion Convention Hall by Past State Auxiliary President and presented with his Quilt. He gave a small speech there after receiving this Quilt. John did not get to bring his Quilt home from State convention because it wasn't finished completely. Past State President Mary Littrell brought it to Iowa City VA Hospital the following Tuesday to present it to John. He volunteers there so Mary thought this would be a good time to give it to him. Dale Henry drove John out to the state convention so he could receive his Award. Jeanette Henry called John up front at the Benton County meeting with permission from the County Commander. She explained what John had received from the State of Iowa. Then John showed his Quilt of Valor so everyone could see it. Some Auxiliary members there had helped with this project but most of our County Legion & Auxiliary members had not seen it. He gave a short speech thanking everyone that worked on this project. He was honored to receive The Quilt of Valor as one of the WWII Veterans.


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KS August 29, 2013, 3:22 pm What a wonderful way to pay tribute to such a worthy recipient!!