The board of the Vinton-Shellsburg Fine Arts Century Club would like to extend an invitation to current members of the Vinton-Shellsburg Fine Arts Century Club and to prospective members of Vinton and surrounding communities to attend the annual meeting of the Vinton-Shellsburg Fine Arts Century Club on Monday, September 16. The meeting will take place in the Media Center at the Vinton-Shellsburg High School at 7:00 P.M. Election of board officers will be held.

The Vinton-Shellsburg High School Fine Arts programs involve a majority of the school district’s students. Each program in the performing and visual arts strives for and continues a tradition of excellence. The Vinton-Shellsburg Century Club is a community organization that strives to foster the growth and development of the Fine Arts Programs of the Vinton-Shellsburg Community Schools.

Becoming a member of the Vinton-Shellsburg Fine Arts Century Club requires an annual minimum contribution of $100.00. Your membership can be mailed to Ms. Heather Kingsbury at 401 B Avenue or your membership can be paid at the annual meeting. Please make checks payable to the VCF/V-S Fine Arts Century Club. Funds raised by the Vinton-Shellsburg Fine Arts Century Club will be distributed to the fine arts programs as needs require. Donations of any amount will be gladly accepted.

Thank you once again for your financial and moral support of the fine arts programs in the Vinton-Shellsburg Community Schools. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the board members listed below. Whether you are a member of the organization, a proud parent of a student enrolled in the fine arts programs, or a business or individual considering joining us, we thank you for your support.

LuAnn Urlaub, President (319) 472-4301

Robert Fischer, Vice-President (319) 472-4666

Nancy Beckman, Secretary (319) 472-2882

Heather Kingsbury, Treasurer (319) 472-2373

Eric Upmeyer, Director of Communications (319)472-3463


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