The Vinton-Shellsburg board met in regular session on June 9, 2014. Board President Sue Gates called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
No one from the public spoke under Public Comments.
Under Administrator Reports, Kim Meyer updated the board on several projects that are happening this summer. The new phones are here and will be placed later this week; the new laptops are in and all of the old ones will be reimaged and the seniors’ machines will be moved to the MS. The administrators shared a few highlights from the recent Professional Learning Community conference.
Under the Superintendent’s Report, I shared the Band Boosters are purchasing a new trailer that will include some funds from our PPEL fund. We are also working with a contractor to work on the soccer field. The work will include doing some tillage, adding 50-60 tons of soil/sand, reseeding, fertilizing, etc. They will start their work in the next few days. We are not sure when students will be able to use it again although we are confident it will be in good shape to use next spring.
Under Board Reports, Kathy Van Steenhuyse reported on a session she attended about getting more women into administration in higher education. Rob Levis reported on the reading he did on the Gallup Survey on Education.
Under General Business of the Board, the board approved the consent agenda items. They included: minutes from the May 12th and 28th board meetings, claims and financials; personnel including:
§ Tracy Rodman – modifying her half-time contract to include about one more hour per day.
§ Megan Albertsen’s resignation as 7th grade VB coach after the 2014-15 season.
§ Sarah Kirschbaum’s resignation as HS associate and FFA assistant.
§ James DeMar resignation as part-time kitchen help at the HS.
§ Barb McAbee’s resignation as Shellsburg computer lab associate and district technology associate.
§ Lacey Chvala – hiring as 1st grade at Shellsburg.
§ Marnie Barnett –hiring as part-time art teacher at the HS.
§ Connie Morrison – hiring as kitchen support at Tilford.
§ Luke Kearns – hiring as 8th grade assistant football coach.
§ Steve Johnson – transfer to head wrestling coach.
§ Sasha Mohr – transfer to 5 hour cook position at Tilford.
§ Becky Dighton – transfer to lunch clerk at Tilford.
o Equipment Disposal including a long list of items with many being available for sale at the August garage sale.
The board discussed the Instructional Support Program. We are able to generate about $750,000 per year in revenue from our participation. They agreed we need to continue the program for an additional five years versus needing to cut that amount from our general fund. They will conduct a public hearing at the July board meeting.
The board reviewed Dave Vermedahl’s recommendations concerning flood insurance. We will be purchasing a policy to cover Tilford’s building and contents as it is now considered to be in the flood plain.
The board reviewed the administrative team’s work to address EMC’s concerns with how we address safety in the buildings. They adopted a slip-and-fall program.
The board reviewed possible legislative priorities for the next session. They approved five to be submitted to IASB. They include providing for adequate state funding; allowing home rule for school districts; increasing payments for special education students; supporting research-based reading strategies and programs; and providing additional funding for wrap-around childcare programs connected to schools.
The board reviewed a request from Alliant Energy to have an easement around several homes at Shellsburg. The board voted to approve the easement with the request they assist in moving a sign.
The board reviewed milk and bread bids. They approved the escalating milk price from Andersen-Erickson (the same vendor as this year) and the bread bid from Bimbo (the same vendor as this year).
The board discussed how they can improve and learn as a board. They considered a self-evaluation form and characteristics of effective boards.
The board reviewed several correspondence items.
The board adjourned.
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