On Tuesday, June 10th, eight girls from the Vinton-Shellsburg FFA Chapter headed up to Kirkwood, in Cedar Rapids, to compete in two state CDE competitions- Floriculture and Horse Judging. The members of the Floriculture team were Sydney Walker, Jessica Alderson, Emily Cashman, and Katie Isbell. At their competition they had to individually make a corsage and take a series of tests that consisted of pesticide use and application, plant identification, and general knowledge of floriculture. As a team they had forty minutes to make a one sided arrangement, a long and low arrangement, a cake topper, a corsage and boutonniere, and wrap a potted plant. The team placed third in the state with Jessica Alderson in ninth place individual and Emily Cashman in seventh. Sydney Walker, also, received a plaque for getting a perfect-and highest- score in the pesticide use and application portion of the CDE.

The girls that competed in Horse Judging were Deion Dulin, Sadie Novotny, Amanda Burkey, and Miranda Sanders. In the Horse Judging competition the girls had to give reasons on why they placed the horse the way they did. They also had to take an identification test on tack and a problem solving test as a team. The team placed tenth in the state!


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