The legacy of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her "Little House on the Prairie" book series continues throughout the world. And because Mary Ingalls, the sister of the famous author, attended the Iowa Braille and Sight-Saving School in the late 19th Century, many of the people who participate in "Little House" tours of places that were important in the life of the author also come to Vinton. The most recent group of tourists arrived on July 17. "The visitors were from Japan and Australia," said Nancy Beckman. "They enjoyed a program provided by Carolyn Hibbs, viewed the artifacts on display and had a tour. They were also among the first groups to see the new IBSSS Mary Ingalls Society banner. It has been an exciting and busy summer with groups large and small including the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School and Vinton in their travel plans." This group, said Beckman, has journeyed the longest distance to see the school Mary Ingalls attended. "It is amazing to know the stories of Larua Ingalls Wilder inspire those from other cultures as well as ours and lead them to explore the places that are part of her stories," says Beckman.


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