The Vinton Garden Club member of National Garden Clubs, Inc., District II, and Central Region met at 8:30 am June 25, 2014 at the Benton County Fair office with Kelly Kaut as hostess. She treated us to a wonderful brunch before the meeting, program and workshop.

President Fran Stueck called the meeting to order at 9:15 am. Members recited the Pledge of Allegiance and the conservation pledge. Eight members answered the roll call “what are your plans for exhibiting at the flower show?” The secretary's report was read and approved . Treasurer’s report was given. Bills were presented and approved..

Thank you from Vinton Public Library, Director Virginia Holsten for flowers Kelly and Fran took for National Garden Week.

Committee reports - Photography and Publicity - news put in paper and on Vinton Today. Need Rita‘s pictures, newspaper clippings, and correspondence that was given to Rita January and February. Cards - Anne Dake. Garden Therapy - Tuesday, July 8th at Lutheran Home. Membership - Susie Hansen. National Gardener - Connie McClintock.

Unfinished business - Fran talked to John about the Cleveland Select Pear tree that didn’t grow, he will replace and plant the tree when he receives the tree.

Fran thanked the members for delivering flowers to businesses for National Garden Week. Article on Garden Week was published in the paper with President Fran Stueck watching Mayor John Watson sign the proclamation.

Five Members Anne Dake, Cam Wood, Luanna Hawkins, Joyce Bratten and Fran Stueck attended the State Flower Show and meeting at the Sheraton in Iowa City. Kelly Kaut went and viewed the flower show. Fran was Co-Chairman of the meeting and in charge of getting vendors. She also entered the flower show on Thursday. The club received a certificate for increase in membership and Yellow Certificate for Garden Therapy.

Number of horticulture specimens were exhibited at the State Flower Show. Roger Buhr, Co-Chairman of the Flower Show walked around with visitors to explain items viewed which was great.

New business - Fran and Ted Stueck put nine bags of mulch on the Blue Star Marker flower bed on Monday. Fran thanked Joyce for spraying around the Outdoor Classroom at Tilford Elementary perennial bed the Garden Club takes care of. Every member needs to go pull weeds and dead head the flowers. The garden changes weekly for new flowers blooming. Joyce brought up that the Iris’s need to be dug and replanted to get rid of the dandelions in them. August is the month to move iris.

Therapy at the Lutheran Home July 9th, at 2:30 pm. Members are to bring garden flowers for residents to make arrangements for their rooms. All members who are available need to help with the project.

No meeting in July due to the flower show at the fair July 24th to 27th. Fran gave out numbers and tags to members entering the show. On July 21st members will meet at 8:30 am to clean flower show area in the open class building with Van Horne Floralia Garden Club.

Central Region Meeting will be held in Minneapolis, MN October 9th to 11th.

The next meeting will be August 27th at the Cedar Valley Arboretum in Waterloo with Sharen Stueck as Hostess.

Fran gave the program on exhibiting design and horticultural with members doing a hands- on workshop of floral design. She critiqued the designs members created.

Happy Birthday on July 11th to Cam Wood.

Anyone interested in joining the Vinton Garden Club please contact Fran Stueck at 472-3032.


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