You might not recognize me but I just had to let you know how much I've changed since I've gotten good food and water regularly and treated for some nasty parasites. (Click HERE to see my before pictures!)

I feel so good that I can play like a lab and not have to feel crazy with hunger and stomach pains. I like to hang out by the pool, play with the other dogs, fetch with Ben, and tug with anyone who will try to get my tug rope. I just have a few more pounds to go so THANK YOU to all who provided sensitive stomach food for me.

Just two weeks ago I was suffering in my own back yard in Vinton. Now look at me!! Neglect is ugly. A comeback from neglect is a beautiful thing.

Please check out my friends at that I have made at the Vinton/Benton Co. Animal Shelter. They are waiting to be adopted into good forever homes, just like I will be soon.


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VB August 12, 2010, 6:51 pm What a wonderful that someone did helping this beautiful dog. It\'s a shame more people didn\'t take the time to care for such beauty.